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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:30:30 体裁作文



①I’m a senior from department of travel management . It’s my great pleasure to write to you to present my sincere guilt(抱歉)/heartfelt appreciation(感谢)/consultation(咨询)/grumbles(抱怨)/invitation(邀请)/proposal(建议)/nomination(that具体事件).

②There are several features according for elaborating my apology/gratitude/contents/complaint/request/recommendation/proposal in the following part.

②The most critical reason leading to this letter is that(内容一). ②Moreover(用于正面表述,比如感谢,邀请)/Worse still(用于负面表述,比如抱怨、投诉),(内容二)also plays a crucial role. ③Last but not the least, (内容三).

①My highly appreciation goes for your precious time from your busy schedule spenton this letter. ②Your favorable response at your earliest convenience would be hinghly appreciated.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming/Zhang Wei

What an insturctive and impreesive the above illustration is! What is obviously protrayed in this drawing is that(描述漫画内容细节).Below the image,there is a topic which says,“(漫画下面的文字意思)”.Indeed,what the illustrator virtually aim to mirror by this warn/upsetting cartoon is by no means simple:Learn to choose the correct outlook on life.It goes far beyond any reasonable dispute that the illustration is indicative of fairly prevalent social phenomenon---Many times in life we will face such profound implication of specific phenomenon,But we don't pay attention to it.A singinfcant number of stories like this tell us that virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.

Unfortunately(根据漫画),the recently couple of years has witnessed incidence of .It frequently appear in the sight of our lives, but we don't have to keep within limits it from happening.

Much can be done.The mass and be schools of all levels,fore and most,could serve as a counterbalance ,doing its utmost to awaken the general public to the significance of 主题好的方面 .Meanwhile,it is the responsibility of the goverment to curb the behavior of主题不好的方面 .We are supposed to

keep deep in mind that we should manage to,just as Those people who spread this positive energy on the society




As is vividly portrayed in the drawing/ chart/ column/ pie / table above, ______ 。The symbolic meaning behind it is______________________

This indicates that ______. There is no denying that the chart does reflect a prevalent phenomenon in our daily life.

Why is there such a phenomenon? A couple of reasons could account for it. For one thing, with the miraculous economic take-off brought about by the twenty years of reform and opening-up, it is of significance that ______. For another, there are increasing numbers of people who are realizing ________indispensable to us.

However, this phenomenon may also cause some problems, because it is not easy _______ If we let the problem go as it is, misfortunes or even nightmares will knock at our doors.

As to how to solve the problem, several tentative suggestions are as follows. On the one hand, we should appeal to authorities that explicit laws should be worked out (implemented) to control/protect ________. On the other hand, people’s awareness should be enhanced that ______ is vital to us. Only when these above-mentioned steps are carried out can we succeed in solving the problem, and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous.

模版 2 (趋势)

This is a chart / table of xxxxxx, which is a scene very frequently seen in China. It would be unusual in years past because we are accustomed to the phenomenon that xxxxxxxx but there seems to be a new trend that xxxxxxx: However, what interests me is not the chart itself but the symbolic meaning behind it: xxxxx

This is phenomenon is pervasive in today’s society, on which I’d like to make some

comments. First of all it is a phenomenon that we have to accept. It is a reality, not a choice. The world has become a community and a persons behavior may affect in one way or another the life of the people. Therefore we can not try to stand outside of this trend otherwise we would be left further behind be the world.

Secondly, the trend makes people know each other better so that less misunderstanding will arise, and the world will become more colorful and peaceful which will be helpful for the people of the world to deal with our common problems in the world such as global warming, environmental pollution, terrorist attacks, etc.

Thirdly, the trend would be different if we could join it. We need to raise our awareness we are part of the whole community and each of us is obliged to make as many contributions as we can. Making our world a better place is our natural impulse, as well as our common mission. I personal will join the trend, which will make our society more colorful and harmonious.

模版3 (不良现象)

The chart above is about XXXXXXXX. What lies behind the chart is clear: people are lacking the sense of XXXXXXX (environmental protection). It reminds us of the fact that as a result of the irresponsible human behavior, our motherland is defaced and seriously polluted.

We are living in an age when economy develops very quickly. With the

development of industrialization, fresh water resources in rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Factories and cities pour out their sewage without treatment. Farmers use more chemicals than ever before that adds to the problem. The most unbearable thing is that the modern garbage hill has even contaminated the underground water system, which is more difficult to be restored to the normal state. It will not take long that the river should be full of pollutants and the fish in the water will really float on the surface.

Such irresponsible behavior is contemptible and unacceptable. If it should be

(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)allowed to go on, our sons and grandsons will blame us for they will have no beautiful sceneries to enjoy or even have no water to use or drink.

To avoid this to happen, we need to take immediate actions. We have already got many laws to protect our environment, but the problem lies in that we lack the strong or serious intention to carry them out. So the first important thing is to strictly enforce the law. Secondly, people should cultivate the sense that evils, however small, should be rejected. Many small evils could add up to a big one that our motherland can no longer endure. To keep the beauty of our motherland, everybody else, not just the tourists, should do their bit to protect the environment. For example we can sort out trashes and reuse those that can be recycled. If everybody can act in a responsible manner, the picture in the cartoon will never appear in real life.



I. 交流情绪

应用文中可能涉及的情绪有: 感激、喜悦、愧疚、气愤、悲伤、失望等。


Dear ____ ,

I'm writing to express my gratitude/ gladness/ guilt/ anger /sadness/ disappointment. The (un)pleasant memory for _ is still vivid. Generally speaking, is spectacular and satisfactory. (Generally speaking, ______________ is unexpected and annoying/painful. ) 具体介绍事件 I'm delighted that __________. (或: I'm sorry/sad/angry that . )

The efforts of _________to ________should be greatly appreciated (或 is to blame for. ) Please accept my gratitude/convey my gratitude to______. Wish you a beautiful future. (或hope an effective solution could be achieved. It will perhaps be a good idea

for me to _______. Or: You are expected to _______. / Please believe that I had no intention of insulting you. I feel extremely sorry for ______and hope you can forgive me. )


Li Ming


我写信表达我的感激、高兴、内疚、生气、难过、失望。关于________(不)快乐的记忆仍然非常清晰。总体来说,_____美妙且令人满意。(或:总体来说,意料之外且让人生气/令人痛苦。)______, 我为此感到高兴。(或:_____,我为此感到难过/伤心/生气。)

_______对_____的努力应该非常值得感激。(或:______应该是的原因。/____应该为_______负责。)请接受我的感激/请向_______转达我的感激。希望你们拥有美好未来。(或:我希望问题能得以有效解决。______对我来说也许会是个好主意。Or:希望你_______。/请相信我不是有意冒犯你。很抱歉_______, 希望你能原谅我。)



练习1 海归求职失败的倾诉

Directions: You have returned to hometown after finishing overseas study but haven't found a satisfactory job. Write a letter to your friend Judie to express your

disappointment. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of he letter. Use "Li Mng" instead Do not write the address.

Dear Judie, Perhaps, my inability to apply what I have learned overseas is to blame for my failure. redesign my career goal. I hope you can give me some suggestions.


Li Ming






练习2 为自然灾害频发而悲伤






忙是惊叹号,世界上的人都在忙着自己的事,大自然亦如此。小蜜蜂的忙,以蜂蜜为回报,那么人呢?居里夫人的 1















诸如此类的事情还有许多,足以证明“90后”有责任心,有使命感,有爱国热情。希望说出我们“90后”没有爱国热情的人们能公平点儿,以事实为依据,给我们以中肯的评价。他们说:“90后这些孩子喜欢个性,真有特点呵!”这话我爱听,因为这点是符合事实的。我以为这是在夸奖我们呢, 3









我们之所以喜欢发呆是因为只有这样才能看见最干净的世界,我们之所以让刘海遮住眼睛是因为我们不想把世俗看太清楚;我们之所以喜欢个性,是因为我们有年轻的资本;我们之所以感到疲倦和伤感,是因为我们为了一纸文凭撕碎 4

了所有娱乐的门票!而这些或许根本不成理由,就为了让那些鄙视我们的人公平点儿!大家都是社会的一员,应该互相尊重理解。对于大人们的虚伪自私贪婪,我们都没有指责,我们都保持了沉默,为什么大人对我们却不能容忍,连一点点的自由都不愿给我们,为什么?我们生于90年代,我们有自己的人生信条和处事原则,相信我们会让祖国更加富强的。恕鄙人无理,麻烦教育界的个位人士,请不要在讨论“90后”这个永远也不可能妥协的话题了,请不要给我们在众多课程的压力下再施加压力,制造舆论,这很不利于我们的成长,还是顺其自然就好!我们生于90年代,我们是人不是机器,我们同样需要喘息! 5高一议论文范文:扬长,或许是最好

发布:佚名时间:2010-10-11 15:37:00来源:京翰教育


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