作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 04:15:14 英语作文


In recent years, Chinese traditional culture, as Sinology, has become increasingly prevalent. For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught and required to recite classical work by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius.

It is of vital significance for the public to acquire knowledge on Sinology.For one thing, it is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge, eich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to a harmonious society.

It is highly expected that all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. Therefore, in the first place, we are well-advised to read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. In the second place, we have the obligation to advocate and encourage others to learn. Then, it is necessary for us to introduce Sinology to the world. By doing so, not only can we inherit it, but also make it glorious and prosperous.

As a colleage student,first ,we should fully realize the importance of studying traditional culture ,such as reading classic books and practice calligraphy and chinese painting ,we also should remember and celebrate our own fesitivals,like the Spring Festival,the Dragon Festival and so on.





1. 描述现象/描述问题/描述图片

2. 分析原因/分析影响(意义)/分析利弊

3. 总结+提出建议


1. 描述争议

2. 陈述两派观点

3. 总结+陈述自己的观点+提出建议

(1) 描述现象/问题/图片

? 描述现象In recent years, there has been a prevailing phenomenon that an growing number of college students are...

? 描述图片或漫画 As illustrated vividly in the picture/chart, we can clearly see that... An important message conveyed by the picture/chart is that...

? 描述争议In recent years, there/it has been a heatedly debated issue whether people should do...or not. People from different background hold different views on this matter.


? It is undoubtedly of great significance to us in more than one way. For one thing, it is conducive to the improvement/progress /enhancing/cultivating/development of...For another, it is of great help in that it enables us to do...Furthermore and more importantly...

? 积极影响

1. It is conducive to our personal progress toward a better member of society.

2. It is of great help in that it enables us to become more civilized citizens.

3. It is beneficial to the overall development and advancement of the society.

4. Without this/is, the society and individuals would not be wholesome in terms of economic development and quality of living.

? 消极影响

1. It is undoubtedly of great negative influence /impact to us in more than way one. For one thing , it may lead to the worsening /destruction /weakening/disappearing of the ability of... For another, it is of great harm in that we may become unable to do... Furthermore and more importantly...

2. It may lead to the worsening of people’s ability to work or study efficiently.

3. It is of great harm in that we are liable to fall behind.

4. The economic development of our society is likely to slow down.


? There are a variety of good reasons that can explain this

situation/phenomenon. Most importantly, it is due to the fact that...Another vital cause for this is that...

? It is due to the fact that the science and technology develops so

fast that dramatic changes have taken place in our life and society. ? Another vital cause for this is that people’s needs nowadays

become more and more diversified.


? Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a

conclusion that...and it is my suggestion that it is advisable for sb. to do sth.

? Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a

conclusion that it has both advantages and disadvantages and it is my suggestion that we should make the most of its merits and reduce the negative impacts to the least extent.


? It is widely believed by some people that...They believe that...

However, on the other hand, others voice out their opposition, claiming that...(他们声称...)They argue that...

? To conclude, my personal view on this matter is that...and my

suggestion is that...


类型一 The Returning of Traditional Chinese Culture

1. 近年来社会上出现了国学热

2. 国学回归的意义

3. 我们应该怎么做

In recent years, there has been a prevailing phenomenon that an growing number of Chinese people are learning traditional Chinese culture.

It is undoubtedly of great significance to us in more than one way. For one thing, it is conducive to the improvement/progress/enhancing/cultivating/development of national literacy. Thanks to the returning of traditional Chinese culture, many people learn more about our own history. For another, it is also of great help in that it enables us to become better member of society (to become more civilized).For example, traditional culture teaches us to be polite and kind to each other.

Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that it is valuable for us to gain insights into traditional culture. So it is my suggestion that schools and governments (来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)should encourage students to spend more time in learning the traditional culture.


1. 描述争议

2. 陈述两派观点

3. 总结+陈述自己的观点+提出建议

In recent years, there has been a prevailing phenomenon that an growing number of college students are... It has been a heatedly debated issue whether people should do...or not. People from different background hold different views on this matter.

It is widely believed by some people that...They believe that... However, on the other hand, others voice out their opposition, claiming that...They argue that...

Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that...and it is my suggestion that it is advisable for sb. to do sth.

(Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that it has both advantages and disadvantages and it is my suggestion that we should make the most of its merits and reduce the negative impacts to the least extent.)


As illustrated vividly in the picture/chart, we can clearly see that an increasing percentage of graduates are holding jobs that are irrelevant to their majors or continuing their study instead of finding a jobs while a declining percentage of them hold relevant jobs. An important message conveyed by the picture/chart is that in the past years great changes have undertaken in college students’ choices after graduation (what college students have learned proves impractical or irrelevant to what the job market needs).

There are a variety of good reasons that can explain this situation. Most importantly, it is due to the fact that the science and technology develops so fast that dramatic changes have taken place in our life and society, and the higher education fails to keep up with the time. Another vital cause for this is that the competition become more and more fierce.

Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that it is advisable for universities to improve/update their courses.





关键词:回归国学英语学习 关系






2、提升个人素质,促进英语学习。一种语言的习得不是一朝一夕就能完成的,它需要进行长期的艰苦的努力才能到达成功的彼岸,英语学习也不例外,尤其对于没有英语学习环境的学生更是如此。这就需要学习者掌握学习的方法,并要有顽强的毅力坚持学习,语言都是相通的,通过学习国学,就可以提高个人的素质,并且培养坚毅的品质,以便促进英语的学习。比如学英语要趁早,the earliest,the best!“莫道君行早,更有早行人”,这是中国的一句古话,就形象地说明了这个问题,因为随着年龄的增长,我们的语言天赋慢慢在消退,所以学英语要早做准备。 同时因为学习英语是一个长期的过程,因此在教室和学校的板报或者宣传栏里,可以把中国的古诗和名言警句与英语相结合,翻译成英文,让学生在浓郁的古诗文的熏陶下学习英文,用传统文化的土壤滋养英语学习之花,使其产生持久的动力。


“Hi!”、“bye bye!”代替了“你好!”、“再见!”;而诸如WTO(世界贸易组织)、GDP(国内生产总值)等等英文缩写专用名词也在各种媒体中屡见不鲜。甚至于评价一个人的能力和素质时,英语也成了一个硬性指标,缺它不可。这样一股铺天盖地的热潮能对国学没有影响吗?通过英语学习,我们可以深入地了解西方的文化,进而吸收其有益的精华,扬弃其糟粕,将其与中国传统文化相互融合,取长补短,使学生带着中国古典文化的精髓融入世界的脚步中,也能将中国的国学传播到世界各地,让更多的人了解中国,了解中国五千年的悠久文化和灿烂文明。

二、回归国学和英语学习都将影响青少年学生的人生观、价值观 我们知道,习得任何一种文化、一种语言或是一种思想都会对人的一生产生不可估量的影响。国学和英语学习也是如此。








