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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:35:48 英语作文

篇一:英语作文 how to avoid misunderstanding

How to avoid misunderstandings

In our daily life,we may meet lots of misunderstandings in communication,which may cause some embarrassed problems.So finding some ways to avoid these problems seems necessary.Here are my personal opinions below.

Refer to the reasons,I think the happening of misunderstandings dues to the different character of people or different customs form different areas and the ambiguous formulation.So there are two kinds of methods.

No.1,because of the difference between person and person,we should try to know others’ character or the different customs,and then you would learn to understand others and forgive their mistakes or difference.

No.2,Slow down your speed of speaking,try your best to let your listener understand what you want to convey clearly,at the same time,remember to use the sample but specific formulation.

All in all,if we can be more careful about our life ,to be honest with people,I think I won’t see misunderstanding anymore!

篇二:how to avoid misunderstanding(作文3篇)

How to avoid misunderstanding

"Why do they keep misunderstanding me?" We often hear people complain. Misunderstanding seems to be one of the most disturbing issues in interpersonal relationships. We often see how it undermines the harmonious relationships between people.

Several factors contribute to misunderstanding. First, people with different personal and cultural backgrounds may have diverse perspectives in interpreting one behavior. Second, the language we use as a vehicle of conveying thought can be ambiguous, and various ways of decoding (解码) words may result in barriers in communication. Third, misunderstanding occurs because of a lack of mutual trust. If you have prejudice (偏见) against someone, whatever he says may sound iii intentioned to you.

Having gone so far in the exploration of the causes of misunderstanding, we can easily arrive at the ways to avoid them. Firstly, we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences among people. Secondly, we should be accurate and appropriate in our handle of language, avoiding misleading words. Thirdly, we should be constructive and patient in dealing with people. If we try hard enough, there will be more understanding and less misunderstanding in this world.

How to avoid misunderstanding

As is known to everyone, misunderstandings are very common in our daily life. Misunderstandings can lead to a lot of problems and unnecessary trouble .For example, someone told the driver there is a bum on the bus. The driver took bum for bomb, which elicited a serious panic on the bus. Because so many words sound similar, such kinds of incidents happen frequently. So it is necessary for us to pay attention to the problem of misunderstandings.

To avoid misunderstandings, I recommend some good methods. First listen carefully to what others say. You should make sure you have got everything others say. If you miss something, what he said may become totally different. Second, say what you're sure is proper. That is to say, you should not use some confusing phrases or words. Instead, you should use some common words and phrases. Third, lay stress on what is vital. Thus, others can understand what you want to say even if you haven't made it very clear. Fourth, pay attention to the differences in culture and gender. Men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words. For example, (转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)when a woman says, "we never go out", and a man will take it literally. He will probably answers" it is not true. We went out last week". Actually the women means she want to go out now. People always prefer to speak indirectly, so you should try to understand the connotation in their words. Most importantly, you should never pretend you have understood others' words if you haven't. If you do that, you may do things in the wrong direction. And the more you do, the more mistakes you will make.

There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. We should learn to be sincere and understanding when we're on the verge of misunderstanding others. If we can be more forgiving, we can calm ourselves down easily. Then we will argue less and be able to respond more positively.

To draw a conclusion, if we learn to be attentive and more caring, we can avoid coming across misunderstandings and we can live a happy life. How to Avoid Misunderstandings?

Misunderstandings may frequently occur in our everyday life. For example, there is a

misunderstanding when people use the same words but do not mean the same things.

Misunderstanding may also arise between people who behave differently. Misunderstanding each other may cause a lot of trouble in our daily life. Many a quarrel has come about through misunderstanding. Generation gaps appear because of misunderstandings. A serious

misunderstanding fractures friendship. When a couple misunderstand each other badly, marriage is likely to break up. Misunderstanding can lead to great problems for both teachers and students. Then how can we clear up misunderstandings?

Misunderstandings can be avoided in many ways. Here are some tips. To begin with, don’t use ambiguous words. Speak plainly, clearly and directly. Next, highlight your important points. Make . (知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。) Moreover, when you do not comprehend others fully, don’t feel ashamed to ask, “Pardon, I didn’t catch your meaning.” or “I’m sorry. Would you please explain it again?” Finally, be aware of cultural differences. It is always smart to talk about

misunderstandings and respect mutual (相互的) differences.

Though it is impossible to eliminate all misunderstandings, if you keep all the tips above in mind, you will, to the greatest extent, avoid many potential.

Misunderstandings and understand each other better. Without misunderstandings between people, the world will be a better one, and everyone can enjoy a harmonious (和谐的) and happy life.

篇三:Misunderstanding English

1.american beauty是“月季”,而不是“美国美人”。

2.Dutch act是“自杀”,而不是“荷兰人的行动”。


4.China grass是“苎麻”,而不是“中国草”

5.Dutch door是“杂志中的散页广告”,而不是“荷兰门”。

6.Dutch uncle是“唠唠叨叮的人”,而不是“荷兰大叔”。

7.Dutch wife是“竹、藤睡具”,而不是“荷兰老婆”。

8.go Dutch是“各人自己付钱”,而不是“去荷


9.Take French leave是“不告而别”,而不是“请法国假”。

10.French letter是“避孕套”,而不是”法国信”。

11.Russia dressing是“蛋黄酱”,而不是“俄罗斯服装”。

12.a Greek gift是“害人的礼物”,而不是“希腊的赠品”

13.Malian iron是“圆筒形熨斗”,而不是“意大利铁”。

14.Spanish- athlete是“胡说的人”,而不是“西班牙运动员”。



3.in two twos是“立刻”,而不是“两两之间”。


5.four o'clock是“紫茉莉或食蜜鸟”,而不是“四点”。

6.four hundred是“名流、上层”,而不是“四百”


8.at sixes and sevens是“乱七八糟”,而和“六”无关。


10. to the tens是“打扮得极为华丽”,而不是“数到十”

11. a white day是“良晨吉日”,而不是“大白天”。

12. a white elephant是“沉重的负担”,而不是“白象”。

13. blue film是“黄色电影”,而和“蓝色”无关。

14. yellow hook是“法国***或议会的报告书”,而不是‘黄色书刊”

15. green-eyed是“红眼病”,而不是“绿眼病”

16. green hand是“生手”,而不是“绿手”

17. green horn是“新移民”,而和“牛羊的角”无关

18. white lie是“善意的谎言”,而和“白色”无关。

19. green back是“美钞”,而不是“绿毛龟”.

20. yellow back是“法国廉价小说”,而不是“黄背”。 想減-肥的童鞋一定要看哦,從126斤到95斤用時5周,至今已1年沒有反彈

21. green line是“轰炸线”,而不是“绿线”。

22. green room演员休息室”,而不是“绿色房间;”

23. white room是‘绝尘室”,而不是“白色房间”

24. green house是“温室”,而不是“绿色的星子”White House是“白宫”,而不是“白房子”

25. white smith是“银匠.锡匠’.而不是“白人史密斯”。

26. black smith是“铁匠”.而不是“黑人史密斯”

27. chocolate drop是蔑称的“黑人”,而不是“巧克力滴”

28. black tea是“红茶”.而不是“黑茶”。

29. brown sugar是“红糖”,而不是“棕糖”。

30. green power是“金钱的力量”,而不是“绿色国家”。

31. firefly是“萤火虫”,而不是一种“苍蝇”

32. dragonfly是“蜻蜓”,而不是一种“飞龙”

33. lady bird 是“瓢虫”,而不是一种“太太鸟”。

34. dragon's teeth是“相互争斗的根源”,而不是一种“龙齿”

35. talk fish是“吹牛”,而不是“谈鱼”。

36. morning glory是“牵牛花”,而不是“早晨的光荣”

37. lead pencil是“铅笔”,它是“石墨”做的,而和‘“铅(lead )”无关

38. silk worm是“蚕”,既不是“寄生主”,也不是“可怜虫”

39. cat gut是“羊肠线”,而和“猫”无关

40.barber's cat是“面黄肌瘦的人”,而不是“理发师的猫”

1.cats and dogs是“杂物,价值低的股票,而不是门上的“转行狗”或“狗事猫事”

2.rain cats and dogs是“大雨倾盆”,而不是门上的“下猫和狗”。

3.prairie dog是“草原鼠”,而和“狗”无关。

4.lucky dog是“幸运儿”,而不是“幸运狗”。

5.You dirty dog是“你这卑鄙的家伙”,而不是“脏狗”。。

6.eat dirt是“忍辱”,而不是“吃土”。



9.douglas fir tree是一种“松树”,而和“枞树”无关。

10. peanut是“花生”,而不是“豆类”。

11. shortbread是“酥饼”,而不是一种“面包”。

12. shooting star“陨石”,而成是什么“星”。

13. friendly camera是“傻瓜照相机”.而不是“友好摄影机”。

14. funny bone是“麻骨”,指神经,而不是“骨”。

15. banana tree是“香蕉树”,属“草本植物”,而和“树”无关

16. jackrabbit是一种“野兔”(hare),而不是“家兔”(rabbit)。

17. koala bear“考拉熊”,不是一种“熊”,而是一种有袋动物。
