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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 04:02:54 英语作文








Life of Pi Feedback

Sent drifting boat, The zebra broke his leg and loss of self-defense capability hyenas eat. The female

baboons However hyena cruel eaged hyenas have also been killed. Before all the fierce battle bray awakened the sleeping tiger, jungle, the tiger swallow the hyena. The last remaining faction wisdom to escape under the jaws of death and confrontation with the tiger.

Film two versions of the story, but I think that these two stories are linked: The first story is the truth, the

second story is the fact that the animals in the first story is the second story characters in disguise.

Hyenas kill zebra and orangutan (cook to kill the sailors and to send mother).

The tiger killed the hyena (sent to kill the cook).

The tiger represents the most primitive instinct of Pi heart. Not a real tiger, human instinct can not be easily

judge good and evil, or out of the animalistic. Final tigers left ruthless instinct is that no one can peel.



After finishing the movie 2012, a character left a deep impression on me. The character is Yuri, the Russian billionaire. Although he is not the leading role in the movie, the character is portrayed very real in my opinion. According to the dialogues in the movie, we can know a lot of him.

He was an excellent boxer in the past, so he has a strong body. He also works with a good brain, so he can own great wealth. Now we can say Yuri is a successful man in business.

When disaster comes, a man true self is showed out obviously. In the whole process of escape, he is always very resolute. After getting the message that the No.3 boat is without hope, he strikes managers down and leads all the people running to the No.4 boat. At that time, he shows his good judgment. So in terms of ability, Yuri is an excellent man.

Many people describe him with selfishness and greed. Maybe it’s true. But I think he isn’t without a single redeeming feature. On the air, he looks the picture with his wife and children, and he calls his valentine “girl friend”, never “lover”. Obviously he loves his wife and children deeply. For leaving his valentine behind, I consider there is no mistake because they have no love all along. As a father, he takes good care of his two sons; especially at last he

sacrifices himself for pushing his son to the boat. At least Yuri is a great father and good men loving his families deeply.









Outline of the passage:


Paragraph 1 to introduce the stars and director of the


Paragraph 2 to give a brief description of it.

Paragraph 3 to make a brief review.


drama, masterpiece, moving, entertaining



A World Without Thieves is ①Chinese action &drama film, which is directed by Feng Xiaogang, a②director of a number of excellent films in China. It has an all-star cast,including Andy Lau,Rene Liu and Ge You.

The story is set mainly on a train. Sha Gen (played by Wang Baoqiang), a lovely village boy working as construction worker, is returning home to get married. He carries his five years of saving③worth ¥60,000 with him. Thus, he has attracted the attention of Wang Bo (played by

Andy Lau) and Wang Li (played by Rene Liu), a pair of lovers who are also high④skilled thieves. Wang Bo wants to steal the ¥60,000 but Wang Li, moved by Sha Gen's innocence(纯真) , decide⑤ to protect the boy.They begin a fight with a small gang of thieves leading ⑥by Hu Li, also known as Uncle Li (played by Ge You)….

The film is moving and entertaining . Ge You’s humorous lines will make you laugh.

It is a masterpiece. It shows the theme of human goodness and also uncovers humorously the problem of common thievery on public transport in Mainland China. Go and see A World Without Thieves.It will make your heart shocking⑦.


本篇习作以三段式展开,能使读者对这部电影有个清晰的认识,能激发读者的观看欲望。 本文语言流畅,句式多样, 如使用了非限制性定语从句which is directed by Feng Xiaogang. including结构、现在分词做定语working as construction worker;过去分词做定语moved by Sha Gen's innocence(纯真) , also known as Uncle Li (played by Ge You)。在语言的运用上使用了一些较高级的词汇如: a number of; entertaining;masterpiece;shocked等,增加了文章的亮点。当然,文中也存在着一些明显的需要改善的地方,建议修改如下:

①在is后加a。a Chinese action &drama film.

②把a 去掉。在职位、官衔等名词前一般不用冠词。

③把saving改为savings。savings意思为 “积蓄;存款”。

④把high改为highly。highly意思为 “高度地;非常”,表示抽象意义。

⑤把decide改为decides。本句的主语为Wang Li,谓语动词用单数。

⑥把leading改为led 。thieves与lead为被动关系,用过去分词作后置定语。

⑦把shocking改为shocked。shock意思为 “使震惊;使震撼”。 your heart与shock为被动关系。


A World Without Thieves is a Chinese action &drama fil(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)m, who is directed by Feng Xiaogang,

director of a number of excellent films in China. It has an all-star cast,including Andy Lau,Rene Liu and Ge You.

The story is set mainly on a train. Sha Gen (played by Wang Baoqiang), a lovely village boy working as construction worker, is returning home to get married. He carries his five years of

savings worth ¥60,000 with him. Thus, he has attracted the attention of Wang Bo (played by Andy Lau) and Wang Li (played by Rene Liu), a pair of lovers who are also highly skilled thieves.

Wang Bo wants to steal the ¥60,000 but Wang Li, moved by Sha Gen's innocence(纯真) , decides to protect the boy.They begin a fight with a small gang of thieves led by Hu Li, also known as Uncle Li (played by Ge You)….

The film is moving and entertaining . Ge You’s humorous lines will make you laugh.

It is a masterpiece. It shows the theme of human goodness and also uncovers humorously the problem of common thievery on public transport in Mainland China. Go and see A World Without Thieves.It will make your heart shocked.


请根据下面的材料, 写一篇介绍电影《夜宴》的短文。

Night Banquet《夜宴》

Stars (Cast ): Ziyi Zhang (章子怡),Daniel Wu(吴彦祖), Xun Zhou(周迅), You Ge(葛优) Director:Xiaogang Feng(冯小刚)

Plot:这部电影取材于莎士比亚(Shakespeare)哈姆雷特《Hamlet》。故事以五代十国 (907-960 AD)为背景,通过争斗、舞蹈和讲故事的方式,讲述了宫廷中人与人之间争权夺利的故事,最后在一次夜宴上他们一个一个地死去。


。 Night Banquet is a history & martial arts film. It is another masterpiece directed by Feng Xiaogang. Ziyi Zhang, Xun Zhou,You Ge ,Daniel Wu star in the film.

The plot of Night Banquet ,which is based on Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is set in ancient China during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Through fighting, dancing and story telling, it tells of a fight for rights and interests in the court between different people. Finally they died off at a night banquet.

Chinese mainland actress Zhou Xun will act the leading role. Zhou Xun's excellent acting, singing and dancing skills impress us deeply. FengXiaogang has used an exciting story to examine the ideas of courage and justice. It is a masterpiece and worh seeing again and again.
