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浣撹锛?a href="/xiaoxue/liunianji/zhuangwuzuowen/" target="_blank">鐘剁墿浣滄枃浣撹锛?a href="/xiaoxue/liunianji/xiejingzuowen/" target="_blank">鍐欐櫙浣滄枃浣撹锛?a href="/xiaoxue/wunianji/xiangxiang/" target="_blank">鎯宠薄浣滄枃浣撹锛?a href="/xiaoxue/sannianji/duhougan/" target="_blank">璇诲悗鎰?/a>浣撹锛?a href="/xiaoxue/ernianji/kantuzuowen/" target="_blank">鐪嬪浘鍐欒瘽


2012年6月16日18时37分在酒泉卫星发射中心发射了 神舟九号 。我和家人怀着万分激动地心情坐在电电视机前观看卫星发射。

发射卫星前,宇航员先举行了一个 出征仪式 景海鹏,刘旺,刘洋对着五星红旗立下誓言,说完后他们随乘车上了飞船,火箭迎着炽烈的火焰飞上了宇宙,几时后卫星脱离火箭随着一定的轨道发射飞行,这次的交会对接任务交给了三名航天员。更让我自豪的是她是这次交会对接的主人公也是一位河南人。我为祖国骄傲呀!后来一听酒泉卫星发射中心的工作人员说: 我宣布神舟九号圆满成功!







China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country's first spacewalk, the country's most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003. 中国在周四成功的将三人小组送入太空,其中一人将进行该国首次太空行走,这是自2003年首次将一人送入太空后中国最具挑战的太空任务。

The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China's third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday.


The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China's first orbiting space station in the next few years. 这次任务预计持续三到四天,主要用于执行太空行走任务,太空行走正式的名称是“出舱活动(EVA)”,它将有助于中国掌握两颗卫星的对接技术,在未来几年建立中国的第一个空间站。

The two astronauts who don spacesuits for the Shengzhou 7 spacewalk will be supported by Russian experts throughout the mission. Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside. One of the astronauts will wear China's homemade Feitian suit, while the other will wear a Russian-made suit.


Fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang, an unsuccessful candidate for the previous two manned missions, has been touted by the official Xinhua News Agency as the leading astronaut to carry out the spacewalk, expected to last about 40 minutes.


"The Shenzhou 7 mission marks a historic breakthrough in China's manned space program," Zhai said. "It is a great honor for all three of us to fly the mission, and we are fully prepared for the challenge."


China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday, a spokesperson with China's manned space program said on Wednesday.

The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on

Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission's ground operation has said.

The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, xinhua.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said yesterday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.

The Shenzhou-7, carrying three taikonauts, will be launched on a

Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.


Zhai Zhigang, a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions, is poised to become China's first spacewalker, reports have said.


The most likely takeoff time for Shenzhou VII is 9:10 pm on Sept 25, the website said.


Zhai is expected to conduct a 40-minute spacewalk


Two astronauts who are scheduled to perform the extravehicular activities (EVA)will each wear the Orlan and the Fetian suit, and Russian experts will provide technical support for the process。


All six members of the Shenzhou VII mission belong to China's first generation of 14 astronaut candidates, selected in 1998.



神舟十号里的数学 ——?数学与生活?论文 本年度中国载人航天界最大的成就是什么?对啦,那就是今年6月份的——神舟十号载人航天任务圆满完成。

在6月11日那天的下午17时58分02.666秒,一艘火箭载着飞船和三名航天员从甘肃酒泉卫星发射场发射升空。那一刻,世界上的媒体都在关注着,超过了15亿人在紧盯着直播火箭发射的电视机。不久,北京飞控大厅宣布:神舟十号发射成功! 我看着电视,主播正在介绍关于神舟十号的资料:神州十号绕地球飞一圈的时间为90分钟··· ···那么神舟十号每天绕地球转多少圈?神舟十号一分钟飞行多远?为了算出第二个问题的答案,我上网搜到了地球赤道的长度:4万千米,我开始算了起来:?24×60=1440(分钟),1440÷90=16(圈)。?喔,神舟十号每天绕地球转16圈,相当于从地球到月球再回来喔。我继续算:?40000÷90=??这时,电视播放起了飞船轨道。哎,飞船轨道原来不是在赤道上的呀,而是呈曲线在南北半球绕弯儿啊,





