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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:25:29 优秀作文






1) This is a general discussion today about the issue of … those who criticize… argue that… They believe that… But people who advocate… on the other hand, argue that… quite a few believe… This is a much debate nowadays over/on the problem of… those who object to… argue that…They believe that… But people who favor… on the other hand, argue that…

This is a public controversy present days as to the issue of …

2) When it comes to… most / many people think / argue that…,but other people think of ( view / regard ) as …

3) In recent years these is a general awareness of…..

In the past few years there has been a widespread realization of …

In recent years there is a growing feeling towards…

4) Now people in growing (significant ) numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize/ be aware ) that …

5) Now it is commonly (widely / generally) believed (thought/ felt/ accepted) that …

6) In the past … years there has been a sudden (dramatic / sharp) rise (increase) in …


1) From what has been discussed above, we may safely reach the conclusion that…

Taking into account all these factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that…

Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely reach the conclusion that…

2) All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that …

All the analysis justifies an unshakable conclusion that…

All the evidence confirms a just idea that..

3) It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the improvement of …

It is high time that we put special emphasis on the development of …

It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on the increase of…

4) There is little doubt that serious (special / immediate/ considerable) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of…

5) It is necessary (essential) that effective (quick / proper) actions (steps/ measures) should be taken to correct ( end / prevent) the tendency (situation/ phenomenon).


1) The advantages of … outweigh any benefit we gain from …

The advantages of … carry more weight than those of …

The advantages of … are much greater than …

2) When the advantages and disadvantages of … are carefully compared, the most striking

finding ( conclusion) is self-evident ( obvious)

3) Although everyone believes that … I doubt (wonder) whether the argument bears close

examination / much analysis.

4) Contrary to widely ( commonly/ generally) held (accepted) belief (ideas / views), I believe

( argue) that …

5) Although it widely accepted (commonly held/ generally agreed) that…, it is unlikely to be

true that…

6) It is true that…, but this is not to say that…

7) Too much attention paid to … may overlook other facts…

Too much importance attached to … may neglect other facts…

8) What these people fail to consider is that…

9) At first thought , this may seem a sound idea ,but on second thoughts, we find that …

At first thought, this may seem an attractive solution, but carefully weighing on the mind, we find that…


1) Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited/ offered) by people for …, one

should be stressed (emphasized/ mentioned)…

2) One may regard (view / think of ) the trend (phenomenon) as a sign (result )of …

3) The failure (change/ success/ increase) in … mainly ( largely / partly) results ( arises) from the

fact that…

4) There are many(several) causes (reasons) for this dramatic( significant) growth ( decline/

increase/ change) in… First… Second… Third…

5) A number of factors could account for ( contribute to / lead to / result in ) the change ( success

/ development/ increase/ decrease) in …

6) It is no easy task (simple job) to find the reason for this complicated phenomenon which

involves several factors.



2) We may cite (quote / mention) a single (common) example of… A recent ( new/ nationwide) study (survey/ poll) conducted (taken) at a university

indicates ( reveals/ suggests/ proves) that …

3) According to figures (situations) released by the government…

As can be seen in the findings (data) provided by an institute…

4) There is (no) good evidence to show that…

There is little evidence against…

There is strong proof in favor of …


一. 引出话题----一种观点认为。。。-----另一种观点认为。。。---我的观点 / 描述一事物的现象---分析其优点----分析其缺点---我的态度


1. 点明文章主题的常用句式

1)… has become a hot topic among people recently. Different people may have different view on ___.

2)there is an argument of opinions among people over ____.

3) there is a public debate nowadays about the problem of ____.

4) when being asked about ___ different people will offer different answers.

5) the issue of whether or not ____ should be allowed has been widely argued currently.

2. 介绍两种对立观点的常用句式

1) some people suggest that … . but other people hold a different point of view that … the

opposite is true.

2) Some people are inclined to think that …. On the contrary// in contrast, there are still

many people who won’t agree, and they claim that….


that …. But

the other hand,

maintain that….

4) Now it is commonly thought that …. But I still believe….

5) Nowadays, an overwhelming majority of people think that…. Nevertheless, there are still

some people of the opinion that…

3. 说明事物优点的常用句式

1) there are several advantages in ….. the biggest advantage is that….

2) Nothing can equal//match//be compared with … in terms of …

3) For all//in spite of/// despite the disadvantages // side effects, it has its compensating ..beneficial effects.

4) …has a positive impact//influence//effect on people’s life.

5) … is playing an increasingly importance role in people’s life.

4. 说明事物缺点的常用句式

1) however, … just like anything else, has its negative side// some drawbacks as well.

2) Of course, the disadvantages can not be ignored.

3) However, … may also cause//bring about// lead to// result in// contribute to some


4) As the proverbs goes, every coin has its two sides, … is no exception.

5) However, the negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with…. To make matters even

worse….. worst of all…

6) The side effects of … that has exerted on human beings can be boiled down to several

major ones as follows. First, …. Second, …. In addition…..

5. 表明利大于弊的常用句式

1) as to me, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

2) Anyway, I still believe… has more advantages than disadvantages.

3) But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side.

4) The advantage of… are much greater than the disadvantages

6. 陈述自己观点的常用句式

1) for my part/// as to me///as far as I am concerned, I would like to agree to the former point




5) of view./// my favor goes to the first point of view. There are probably some truths in both arguments. It is true that…, but …. In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we are confronted with such problems, we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision. I agree to the latter opinion to some extent. Personally, I prefer ////I am in favor of/// on the side of….

1) 引出话题的常用方式

a) Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem….

b) Recently, the rise in the phenomenon of … has aroused//drawn//captured wide


c) In recently years, many cities//nations//people have been faced with the serious

problem of …

d) It is undeniable that … has become the utmost concern among people nowadays.

2) 分析原因的常用方式

a. what has possibly contribute to this problem? In the first place, ….. in the second


b. It is no easy job to identify the reasons for… which involves several complicated

factors. For one thing… for another…

c. A number of factors could account for ….

d. This problem may result from a combination of factors.

e. The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complex reasons. To begin

with… . Besides, ….. Furthermore….

3) 得出结论或提出建议的常用方式

a. in summary//in conclusion///in a word//in brief///to sum up///in short///on the whole,

it is important that…

b. in summary, I would like to say that… is an issue that deserves immediate attention. c. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that …

is an issue that deserves immediate attention.

d. It is essential//indispensable that proper actions//effective measures should be taken

to reverse this situation/trend.

e. It is hoped//suggested that considerable efforts should be directed to//focused on…. 二:描述现状——分析原因————结论 三: 描述现状----分析各种解决办法----结论 / 描述现状----分析原因-----提出解决办法

1. 引出话题的常用句式

1) Nowadays, … has become a problem we have to face.

2) Recently, the issue//problem of … has drawn//aroused///captured worldwide

attention.( has been brought into focus among public attention.)

3) With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more

questions are brought to our attention. One of them is the problem of ….\

4) Thanks to China’s reform and opening-up policy, the past three decades have

witnessed great economic development and social transformation. However,

more issues are brought to public attention. The problem of ….is one of them.

2分析原因,好处, 坏处的常用句式

1) there are a lot of advantages for….. first…. Secondly… finally…

2) …., however, are very harmful in many aspects. For one thing, …. For

another, …. Last but not the least,…

3) The explanation for… involves many different//complicated/// puzzling

factors. For one thing,…. For another,….. in addition….. furthermore….

4) A number of factors contribute to /// account for…. To begin with, ….

Besides, ….. what’s more….


1. it is high time that we brought//put ….to an end. Here are some of the measures

that might be taken immediately.

2. then, how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestions, which may

be of some help.

3. faced with….. we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the


4. there is no easy solution to the issue of …., but the following suggestions might

be helpful//beneficial.

4我的做法. 体会的常用句式

1. from my point of view, I would like to …

2. Personally///as far as I am concerned,/// in my opinion///for my part/// as for

me/// from my point of view, I enjoy….

3. Therefore, I strongly recommend that people should….

4. in my opinion, I am in favor of /// oppose to…


Thank you very much for your kind invitation to dinner on … I shall be delighted to


Nothing would give us greater pleasure than to accept your kind invitation.


I don’t know how to express my warm thanks for your welcome invitation, but I am very sorry to say that a previous engagement prevents my acceptance.…

Owing to unavoidable circumstances, I am prevented from attending.

I only wish I could be with you, but unfortunately I have lessons that afternoon.


I am writing to express my appreciation for

With deepest gratitude I write you here a few lines.

I hope I have the chance to reciprocate your kindness.


Congratulations on your success.

I’d like to express my warmest congratulations on it.

You really deserve it because

This has meant years of your hard work, and it’s an achievement you can well be proud of. I have been appreciating your excellent performance in study and ability in your work. 道歉的句型

I’m writing to show my apology for

I would like to express my apologies for not being able to

I am sure I can make up the loss by


I’m writing to report the problems with your

I’m writing to bring your attention to the problems I have had with your

I’m writing to complain about

It would be very kind/considerate of you to

I hope you can address this problem soon.

Frankly, I am not willing to put up with the situation any more.


Pie / chart / table / diagram / figure

1. As can be seen from the table//chart//diagram//graph//figures, during the period from …to. _____ rose from …to …, while ….decreased from … to….

2. As is shown in the table, during the period between ….and…, ____ declined abruptly from … to …, while ….increased sharply from … to….

3. As can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of …

4. It is obvious in the graphic that the rate//number///amount of ____ has undergone dramatic changes. We can see clearly that ____ declined from ___ to ____, and then to ____, while ___ rose from ____ to ____ and then to _____ during the same period.

5. The number of … remained steady//stable from (month/year) to (month /year)

6. The percentage of …. stayed the same / remained steady between … and…

7. The percentage of ….is slightly larger//smaller than that of …

8. The number sharply went up to…

9. The figures peaked at…. in (month/year) / The situation reached a peak ( a high point at ) of …%.

10. In the year between … and …., A is three times as much//many as B.

11. The graphs show a threefold increase in the number of….

12. This table shows the changing proportion of A&B from …to….

上升/增加:increase、rise、 ascend 、surge 、go up 、climb 、mount

下降/减少: decrease、 fall 、drop、 descend、 decline 、reduce 、lessen

平稳:stable 、steady、 remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to

波动:fluctuate、 fluctuation、 rise and fall、 up and down

占:occupy、 take up、 account for、 gain (a percentage of 20 / 20 percent)

而:while、 however、whereas、 on the other hand、

actually/in fact

相比:by contract、 on the contrary、 compared with

最高点:the highest 、the top、 the summit 、the peak、 the most

最低点:bottom 、the least 、the lowest

平均:mean、 average

趋势:tendency 、trend、 inclination

预见:predict 达到顶峰: mount to
