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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/24 08:22:28 体裁作文



  A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements. It was really nice, not one of those mass produced plastic things, it was made of wood and had intricate carvings all around its base, like moons and stars and other cosmic stuff, I don't really remember it that well except they were very detailed and looked hand carved. We didn't think much of it at the time because we were black widow hunting (not one of our smarter ideas, but it was a rush when we found one). I'd also like to say that we don't drink, do drugs, or anything that would mess with your mind like that. Day turned to night and we had given up our hunt and started playing X-Box. We got bored shortly after. So one of my friends decided to go the board.


  When he brought it back I swear it had grown at least a foot in all directions from the last time I saw it (not important, it just intrigued me). Anyway we went on to ask it stuff and nothing happened, so my other friend went to his computer and looked up some ancient druid chant to open some vortex thing.


  I don't know the specifics; no one else went with him. All he did was print out what we were supposed to say, it was mostly just weird word combinations and a few summoning phrases I can't remember. This was almost a year ago, I do remember feeling pretty silly going through with it. This I remember clearly though, the same friend who got the paper all of a sudden asks for it to give us a sign. Of all the stupid things to do... well I was very upset with him, but he defended himself by saying that's what the site told him to do. As it turns out it said not to ask for a sign or anything else like that. It even put it in all caps and bolded, too.

  我不知道具体细节,他是一个人去的,他只是把我们需要说的话都打印了出来。不过是些诡异的字眼的组合以及一些召唤用语。具体内容我不记得了。这?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路⑸诖笤家荒昵埃抑患堑玫笔笨茨钦胖绞本醯谜媸巧导恕N一骨宄丶堑媚歉鋈ゴ蛴∧钦胖降呐笥淹蝗凰等猛榘甯桓霭凳荆媸瞧嫔滴薇龋冶凰眯姆骋饴业模缃馑低旧暇褪钦庋档摹:罄词率抵っ鳎旧闲吹氖乔虿荒芟蛲榘逡裁窗凳局嗟亩鳎饩婊故怯么笮醋帜福煤谔遄痔匾獗瓿龅摹?/p>

  Well after that he was pretty embarrassed, but nothing happened for about a half hour. So we just gave up ghosts for the night (our attention spans couldn't handle nothing happening for that long). Later we got back on the X-Box and started playing, I think it was Halo when we heard my friend's parents get home, it was about 9 pm, about an hour early. So he decided to go into the garage and jump out when they got out of the car. Well he waited about 10 minutes just sitting there before he decided to look out a window and no one was there. While he was looking he heard about two inches from his ear someone smacking their lips like they had dry mouth and were preparing to speak. When he spun around there was no one there, which is about when he came walking back to the basement at a very brisk pace.

  然后,他尴尬极了,半个小时过去了,还是什么都没发生。于是我们便放弃了在那晚见到鬼魂的念头(我们的注意力可没办法忍受那么长时间的无事发生)。我们就又玩起了X盒子。大约九点的时候,我们听到一个朋友的父母回来了,比预期的时间早了一个小时。于是,他藏在车库里,打算?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人窍鲁档氖焙蛱隼聪畔潘恰K诔悼饫镒舜笤?0分钟,还没等到父母,便探头向窗外望去,但外边根本没人。忽然他听到在他耳边大概两英寸的地方,有人在吧唧着嘴,像是说话前要润润嘴巴似的。他猛地转过身,却没看到人,他吓得赶紧以最快的速度跑回地下室。

