
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:43:12
1.I go to visit Mr.Li who is living in the country every_____weeks.A,a few B,few 2._____ straight on and you'll see a church.A,Go B,Going C,If you go 3.The effects of tourism ______the wildlfe in the area,A,on B,with 4.May i have your _____?A,notice 求几条高一英语语法选择题……要有点难度的, The two boys over there are so much alike that I can't tell ______ is Bill.A.where B.what C.that D.which请简述理由, 1.He_____they didn't start early they wouldn't catch the first bus.A.said that if B.asked if C.asked whether D.said that whether2.Mary's mother asked her__________ A.that whether she had finished her homework B.if she has finished her homework C.if s 请解析出每个题考的语法 高一英语语法题Which of the following sentences are same structure ( )a.She makes about 3000 dollars a monthb.you are sure to make yourself understood when speaking Englishc.He made a quick examination of the patientd.We must try to make other 200字左右的道德小故事,感人一点!. 高一英语语法练习题 几道高一英语语法1.I ______the novel for all the morning,yet I haven't finished it.A.have been reading B. am reading C. was reading D. had been reading↑答案选A2.In 6 years' time,the Turners ______their missing daughter everywhere.A.have 高一英语几道语法1.by the end of this month 与at the end of this month都对么?有区别没?2.Mother Teresa devoted all her life ____ helping the poor.横线上填什么?动词加了ing,那应该是哪个介词?in么?这类问题有规律么 高一英语语法练习含详解答案求一套高一英语语法习题, C语言的数值常量中夹带空格影响常量值的正确表示吗? C语言 判断一个字符是不是字母 孝敬父母的故事有哪些? 谁有高中英语必修二的所有reading录音 人教版高中英语必修二unit5 reading原文 《22.人物描写一组(“凤辣子”初见林黛玉)》的主要内容i;ilhu 在word中怎么打拼音和声调 1.The olympic mascots are the Olympic flame ,the fish,the panda,theTibetan and the swallow,_______a lose group of friends.A represented B.respresenting (为什么)2.---When can I come for my clothes I need them tomorrow.---We will wash them this 1.the factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year,80%___are sold abroadA.of which B.which of C.of them D.of that[请侧重说明一下什么时候用of them 什么时候用of which]2.I saw a desk___was a bookA.where B.that C.which D.on 高一英语,三道小题目1、We were i______that the sports meeting had been called off because of the weather.2、Though I am ill,I have a good doctor a________on me! I'll soon get better.3、It is spring now.The pupils will go for an _____(郊 22.“凤辣子”初见林黛玉中,从语言中看出凤辣子什么性格特点急,要上公开课!759099639 急!三道高一英语题!根据中文原文完成下列各英文译文,每空限填一个词.1、尽管你的书法在如此短的时间内很难提高,你还是坚持练习.Though it difficult to improve your handwriting in ( )( )( )( ),you should 红楼梦中林黛玉和贾宝玉的结局好想爱你噶高鹗的续写有很多都不付愿意.那第五回中林黛玉和薛宝钗的判词中是不是写出了黛玉后来的命运?照说黛玉的泪流尽了就应该死了?曹雪芹愿意是不 红楼梦中的贾宝玉和林黛玉为什么不能在一起 红楼梦简述宝玉与黛玉观看 西厢记 简述红楼梦中宝玉与黛玉共读《西厢记》的情节. 宝玉黛玉西厢记在旧版红楼梦中哪一集 高一英语第三题求详解 帮我看看第四题怎么做, 几道高一英语模块三的题,急啊~~~汗死……我越来越头疼英语啊……最近学从句啥啥的真是要我的命,特别是放了寒假全忘光了……帮忙看下下面的题,最好能稍稍解释一下,谢谢!1、It happened that 求初一数学上册人教版教与学 乘方2的答案