
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:42:28
求一篇关于感激的英语演讲关于my gratitude 英语演讲咋写1分30秒左右,十万火急!要真确 英语演讲,鼓励或者感恩,中英文 英语演讲,有关感恩的题材,限时三分钟,在今天内完成 You'd better have a little rest in the middle of the day.You'd better have a little rest _________ __________.怎么填 副词可以修饰名词词组? Those who want to join the club,sign here,will you? did you follow my advice did you follow my advice?翻译 DO YOU FOLLOW MY EXPLANATION的中文是什么意思 My missing follow you whatever you do 是什么意思 __my advice and let me drive you home A.for B.listen c.hear d.follow应该选哪个?求理由.i ()jeans at home.应该填wear呢还是in? He is exciting.He is excited.哪个对哪个错? 翻译Do not be afraid follow the dentist ‘s advice. 英语翻译今吾生之为我有,而利我亦大矣.论其贵贱,爵为天子不足以比焉.论其 轻重,富有天下不可以易之.论其安危,一曙失之,终身不复得.此三者,有道者之所慎也 我们可参照以下建议:不做笔记就不要读书 We may follow this advice:Don't ___ ___ without making notes根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成句子 英语翻译英译汉1.because the conditions of the places where he took pictures were usually bad2.be outside dail for at least 30 minutes3.he wouldn't like to care much about his engish in Hollywood 谁有人称代词表 人称代词表 俄语人称代词表包括主格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、宾格、反身代词. (___)而(___)的(___) 造句 要两句 希望快点 只要.就.造句(两句) 用是是是的造句 要两句... 谁有《吕氏春秋·察今》第三则的翻译 求的翻译,是作业啊,快~~~~ he is too___to speak the truth.a.too much of a coward b.too much a coward c.so much a coward Little Bob is too shy to speak if he is not spoken toLittle Bob is too shy to speak _____ ______to Little Bob is too shy to speak if he is not spoken to同义 Little Bob is too shy to speak—— ——to 急用!1.My father is too excited to sleep.My father is _____ excited ______ he can't1.My father is too excited to sleep.My father is _____ excited ______ he can't sleep.(改为同义句)2.I hope to fly to the moon some day.(根据语境完成 英语翻译齐人有好猎者 齐人有好猎者,旷日持久而不得兽,入则羞对其家室。出则愧对其知友,其所以不得之故,乃狗劣也。欲得良狗,人曰:“君宜致力于耕作。”猎者曰:“何为?”人 文言文:齐人有好猎者的原文翻译和中心,急求不难吧,快!我急用!谁还知道与这篇文言文寓意相同的谚语或成语啊!谢,谁能提供? 英语翻译Everything has fallen to piecesEarth is dying,help me JesusWe need guidance,we’ve been misledYoung and hostile but not stupidCorporate leaders,politiciansKids can’t vote,adults elect themLaws that rule the school and workplaceSigns th