
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 13:29:51
已知两个三位数ABC和DEF的和能被37整除,ABCDEF怎么证明他是37的倍数? 已知a2+b2=c2,(abc为整数)求证30能整除abc2 是平方的意思 BAIDU弄不出来 求助五道外语题望得到解释13.Being good at sports is part of _______to be an Australian.a What means b What it means c what means it d What is meant key b 14.It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate to escape _______in the plan 有九年级上数学课本答案没 五道外语题附答案望得到合理解释6 ________,I didn`t feel at all nervous when I took the driver`s test for the first time .A Strangely enough b Enough strangelyC Enough strange d strange enoughKey a 7Would you put the clue 八下19.20.21.22题, 19-21题,急 九年级上册补充习题数学答案 1)证明如果a整除b×c,且a,b互质,那么a整除c(abc均是整数).如果该定理是错误的,举出例子并将其修改,并证明修改后的定理.2)证明如果a,b均为正整数,如果a>b,那么a的平方>b的平方;反之亦然. 若a.b.c都为整数,且abc=21.a+b+c的最大值是?a+b+c的最小值是? a+b+c=2,abc=4,求a,b,c中最大值与最小值 九上化学全品作业本第五页 启东中学作业本化学人教九年级上答案 已abcabc 能否被7,11,13整除 1.They have made the oil and water_____from each other.a.to separate b.separate c.to be separated d.to have separated因为答案中没有separated,所以想知道是不是要考make sth done 变形,不知道有没有make sth to be done/to have done I don't like____at me.(A) them shouting (B) them shout (C) their shout (D) that they shoutl00.The two men___over there heard every word we said.(A) who standing (B) standing (C) they were standing (D) stood101.I don't____the letter but perhaps I read 求全品作业本九下化学答案,新课标版的,谢了! 3道英语题.(最好有解析)房子里有两个房间,其中较小的那个被用作厨房了.(要用介词+关系代词)There are two rooms in that house,the smaller__________ a kitchen.( )I teach my students _____ I wish I had been 九上英语全品作业本答案全部 九年级科学《全品作业本》,九年级英语《轻负高效》的答案,在哪? 二十题 高一化学 如果可以把能看见的都做了吧—— 求详解.第20题 高一化学20题.求解.谢谢 带分数怎么变成分数 怎样把带分数转为分数五又三分之一=六分之几=几分之四十八 带分数如何化成分数? 怎样把一个分数化成带分数 1.The car damaged in the accident can't be used unless ___ completely .repaired 我知道这里表示被动,所以用过去分词.而且我觉得unless后面省略了主语和谓语,这里是否 = it was repaired 还是 it is repaired .还是我的 三道英语题,要解析1All the ----expressed their opinions on the -----of the word .Aexperts present ,situation presentBexperts present ,present situation Cpresent experts ,present situationDpresent experts ,situation pr 话说怎么看不懂米、、、气体打火机使用的是有机燃料,稍加压,降温即可融化,减压(打开阀门)很容易汽化,遇明火易燃烧.表中表示的是标准大气压下的一些物质的熔、沸点,你认为符合这种 九年级下科学作业本答案(最新的)