
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:50:20
SAT替换题求助!The Pony Express was an ingenious system forcarrying mail; it was in existence only briefly,however,before the telegraph system made itobsolete.(A) mail; it was in existence only briefly,however,(D) mail,having existed only briefly SAT 替换题!In many resturant,they have gratuity policies to prevent patrons from leave inadequate tips for the waitstaff.将they have gratuity policies to prevent patrons from leave 替换成gratuity policies to prevent patrons from leave 为什 matlab方程求解:x=0:5:200;y=solve(’sin(a)+x*a=1‘);plot(x,y)?方程可能不准确,大概意思如此,就是想绘制出一个,角度值a随x变化的图,关键是方程无法建立,无法嵌套变量x,算是老出错提示 x stem与plot的区别谁知道matlab中stem与plot函数有什么区别啊? 将一个圆平均分成16份,摆成平行四边形,已知平行四边形的周长是16.56cm,求圆的面积 英语翻译SAT OG83面的sample(如果了解的就帮我看看26 30题吧,我都选的A)1.Our estimate of the importance of luck is inherently biased:we know when we benefit from luck,but in the nature of things cannot assess how often bad luck 三角函数问题:cos1/2=?这个1/2是不是等于28度左右? 常数的三角函数怎么算?比如说 y=sin 4y=cos 6 怎么算?等于多少啊? 齐次式下弦化切是什么东西啊!提示一下三角函数的东西 若有定义:int x,y,z; 语句 x=(y=z=3,++y,z+=y); 运行后,x的值为( ).① 7 ② 6 ③ 8 ④ 3 已知 int x=2,y=1,z;,则执行语句z=!x&&--y;后,y的值是? 若已定义:int x=2,y=3; 则执行语句y=x+++(--y);后,y的值为什么为4 把一个圆平均分成16份,再拼成一个平行四边形,这个平行四边形的周长是41.4厘米,急! 英语翻译But quite often we are left with language that seems to have sprung out of the blue and does not appear to signify anything in particular-science development,constitution is the most fundamental biggest registration,or communist party is 英语翻译For people with synesthesia,a condition in which the senses get mixed up,the number five may be red.这里number five may be red 在说一下整句话 英语翻译a sphere of radius r inside a cube touches each one of the six sides of the cube.let a "prd" number be defined as one in which the product of the positive divisors of the number,not including the number itself,is greater than the number. 英语翻译1,But it requires no arguement to prove that the wife,the mother,the mistress of an English family-- fills officesand discharges duties of no ordinary improtance; or that children are or should be occupied in filial or house hold duties,a 英语翻译Indeed,what might Mercator have thought were it suggested to him that his scheme would one day be used to plot landscapes so far from terrestrial in aspect as to reflect back,in their magnificent alienness,the very idea of an old and exha 两个数,指数相同底数不同,能让底数直接相乘吗? 一个圆平均分成16分,拼成一个平行四边形,这个平行四边形周长41.4,圆面积( ) 将一个圆平均分成若干份后拼成一个近似的平行四边形周长增加6厘米,平行四边形面积() x/m+2与y/m-2的和等于4m/m方-4,则x 等于?y等于? m=-1时,-2㎡-【-4m+(-m)】=? 平面直角坐标系咋画,给我个图! SAT oc 提升句子的一道题As one of the most successful African American business in history,the Motown Record Corporation was founded in 1959 in Detroit by Berry Gordy,Jr.为什么最开始的As可以去掉?我知道去掉之后是同位语没 一道SAT句子提升Economics is (when you study) the production,distribution,and consumption of goods and services.A.B.your studying ofC.doing a studing onD.the study of 一道SAT 句子提升My father insists that before (buying a used car,have it )thoroughly inspected by a reputable mechanic.A.B.buying a used car,it isC.buying a used car,I have it为什么A错了,C是什么语法点? 平面直角坐标系用什么软件画出来 如何画平面直角坐标系?它都有哪些要素? 如右图,把一个圆剪拼成一个近似的平行四边形,这个平行四边形的周长是41.4厘米,原来这个圆的周长和面积分别是多少? 将一个圆平均分成若干份后,拼成一个近似的平行四边形,周长增加38厘米,平行四边形的面积是( ) 那您有高中英语英文版的说课稿吗?可以给我发一份吗?具体有什么不同呀?