
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:31:52
i.am.tired.i.have.to.have.a.rest.中文怎么读 I go to sleep tired 我国国歌《义勇军进行曲》是由谁作曲的? 英汉互译 要出介绍社团的海报,什么社团比较好介绍呢?是英语作业. eazy的副词是什么 如何听好英语专四的听力?推荐好的快速提高方法?还有 听什么类型的VOA? 英语翻译我只是英语不太好,想在网上学一些短语 求现在高中语文有关《论语》的课文全文及标题? 高中语文论语复习的重点语段?希望能有所有篇章的! 论语十则子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”子曰:“温故而知新, I am having a good time__my exchange program in Francre.A in Bon 英语选择题i'd like to ,___ you don't want to go there all by yourself.A.until B.but C.if D.after选哪个,并翻译i'd like to ,___ you don't want to go there all by yourself.A.until B.but C.if D.after整个题目应该是would you like to go th 学英语除了每天坚持背单词听听力还需要怎么做需要背课文吗 考前背单词?听听力?我有问题……1 考前背单词到底有什么用?要背到一个什么样的地步?2 有人说听力要随时随地听,听力到底用不用专著的去听?听不懂怎么办? 怎样记单词快 听力听多了就能听得懂? 把单词补充完整S()NG S()NG把单词补充完整 can you tell me anything really important?这句话对吗?不对的话该怎么写? A man is milking the cows.什么意思求大神帮助 Who is the talleat man?中文意思. Who is the shortest man 中文意思. It's business,not personal.汉语意思是什么? 和C.k或I miss you曲风相似的歌曲 能不能提供以下 thanks a lot ----You were terrible.----Thanks a lot.(改错) [ ]Thank a lot ,miss wang_____ [ ]I and Mary are jeff's new classmates_______ 改错,各有一处错[ ]How many balls are they under the bed?_______[ ]There are some oranger trees ouer there.______[ ]This is my brother.He likes playing with her frien Mr white is coming by_air tomorrow.Let's go to _airport to meet him.A.a;a B.an;an C.the;the D./ Tom finds _______difficult to speak Chinese .此处是否可以填写it/it's The plane to Canada is coming.中,哪个词错了? 秘书协会的英文简称是什么 It's just just a good business,It's nothing Grudge personal.It's just just a good business,It's nothing Grudge personal. -Sorry,Miss Li,I'm late -____you won't do that ne-Sorry,Miss Li,I'm late-____you won't do that next time.A.Make sure B.It's sure C.You're sure D.Be sure of答案和选的理由