
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:55:27
matlab中 Error using ==> plot Conversion to double from sym is not possible.的问题clear allclcsyms t gamma r1 i a%t=0:pi/50:pi/2;gamma=0:pi/50:pi/2;r1=3;i=4;a=r1+r1*i;plot(x1,y1,'g',x2,y2,'r',x,y,'k');axis equal我想画出(x1,y1),(x2,y2)和(x,y) Matlab求助!问题出现是Conversion to double from sym is not possible.syms t p a km kh kl t=0:1:20 p=0.1 a=0.5 kh=100 km=80 kl=60 y1=1-(1-p).^t.*(kh*kl.*exp(a.*y1.*kh.*t)./(kl.*exp(a.*y1.*kh.*t)-kl+kh)-kl)/(kh-kl)y2=1-(1-p).^t.*(kh*km.*exp(a.*y2. He's carrying water for the old woman.(改为一般现在时,可以添加often) He____the time carrying water from a lake. He want water.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 长子和长子孙 有没有 优先继承权或者说有没有特例 继子女有继承权吗? 辛弃疾的《满江红·中秋寄远》表达的情感(要详细具体) 改错:一 do you know the woman who plays violin?是把 who去掉吗?我改的是who is playing violin 但是人家判是错的。 be heard to do sth 还是 be heard doing sth? 明月一壶酒,清风万卷书.请高人对后两句. heard +doing和do的区别使用错了,hear be heard doing /do 有具体时间用doing? 有没有be heard doing的说法看一个例句:he is heard to sing now./he was heard to sing just now 这里为什么用sing,我想都是短暂的动作不应该用singsing吗? 介绍宝钗扑蝶的经过 解析黛玉葬花的过程和原因 红楼梦中除了黛玉葬花,宝钗扑蝶,湘云醉卧,其余金陵十二钗的代表情景不是金陵十二钗的判词哦,日常生活里的小女儿情态 黛玉葬花, 关于喝纯牛奶的数学问题.一杯纯牛奶320可,小明第一次喝了1/4,加满水后又喝了1/4.小明第一次喝的纯牛奶比第二次喝的纯牛奶多多少千克? 喝的牛奶多还是咖啡多? Let's go to Hong Shanhu.That is a good place __ hang around 李白喝酒数学问题啊· 载录一则最近的新闻阐述自己观点 350字左右是包括一起的350啊! 分析下这两个句子的语法To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.为什么me不是I,从哪看出的宾格.In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go 帮忙分析下语法 两个句子出自听力原文1.That's sounds good.But everyone puts up posters.What can we do that's different?上面的What can we do that's different?意思明白 这句话中的that's 不是有谓语do 2.The campus radio sta 帮忙分析两个句子的语法,Welcome to Beijing!I's the most amazing iPhone yet.第一个句子什么时态?第二个为什么有yet?第二个错了:It's the most amazing iPhone yet. I think I can prove that no one, I can still live wel是什么意思不别扭我就不问了0.0 He wants to play table tennis rather than ______(watch) TV. 满江红 段克己 诗词鉴赏答案 谁知道 急 急 急 帮忙想两个这种句式的句子 急求啊有谁帮忙想下,分享,是一种xx,它会xxxxxx和xx,xxxxxx和xx这里有一个“分享,是一种美丽,它会使你摆脱烦恼和痛苦,走进开心和快乐”再给两个就行,急求 天以阳生万物,以阴成万物.生,仁也, 阴生和阳生的光合作用暗反应都必须再有光的情况下进行是吗?我们老师说暗反应必须在有光情况进行,夜里不进行暗反应. word中黑体16磅加粗居中,单倍行距,段前24磅,段后18磅怎么设置