
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:23:08
寻英语语法.我是四川达州的,高2013级的.因为英语撇所以求各位大哥大姐帮帮忙.把英语必修1中的2单元中所涉及的知识要点,语法用于 都写 出来.什么SO than ,such that 等等2单元中的语法和知识要 The test was so easy that I finished it in half the time _____.A.to allow B.allowing C.allowed D.being allowed 求《it all begins with love》这首歌歌词的中文翻译? That is the man to who my father talked just now.改错A is B to C who D just now改哪个并将其改正出来 6.沿着这条路走________ ________ the road 在马路上是不是on the road on the road是指在途中 那么在马路怎么说 这条路越来越危险.(The road is becoming__ and__ __.) it all begins with love伴奏有毒也可 Let us face it with a Who is the girl you just said goodbye to?关系代词是什么 The girl you just m___ is my cousin ,Her name is Kitty we -----(not have) an english test this friday 沙漠之舟——骆驼的驼峰是用来( A.贮存水的 B.贮存脂肪的C.驮物品的 Maybe we'll have an English test ____ grammer.谢谢 为什么骆驼要有驼峰 The Road Ahead汉语版The Road Ahead(未来之路),这本书有没有汉语版?哪里有卖的? 英语中,可不可以存在主句是一般过去时,从句是一般现在时或一般进行时?比如说:I heard a dog in America can play more than 500 tricks.I heard the supermarket is looking for people.此处从句是不是可以用一般现 as if引导方式状语从句,主句有一般现在时,从句用一般过去时, 主观见之于客观是什么意思 求比尔盖茨《The Road Ahead》(未来之路)的英文版,只要英文的. 辩证唯物主义认识论认为,处在主观和客观交汇点上的是1,实践2,思维3,认识4,物质 the road is always ahead of you麻烦大家帮我翻译下. 德语“下午好”怎么讲? Young people should go and work where needed.为什么不用need呢 英语翻译Dubbed the “Expo Oscars,” the survey results included 9 other awards won by the top and most popular pavilions such as that of China for being the most attention-grabbing,Saudi Arabia as the most sought after,Germany as the most fun a young people should have a great aim.(合并成一句) theyyoung people should have a great aim.(合并成一句)they shoud also work hard.(as well as) 如何用德语说这句?谢谢A车和B车距离拉大了还是缩小了? 选择酸甜苦辣咸其中的一味,来写一篇作文,附加好的题目,开头和结尾~急. 1的德文怎么讲? 如何用德语说“不” 陕西话,“特别好”咋说的?