
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:50:38
used to 和 be used to 的相关练习题 used to do与would的区别she__early when he was young,and now she is used to getting up early. 有没有used to do,be used to do,be used to doing用法的练习题(初二水平,带答案) used to do和be used to do和被used to doing的习题适合初一的,5题以上 Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Hen这句话than后为什么用倒装啊 高中英语分析句子:the effect global warming has on man's existence is more unpleasant.感觉这个句子好乱啊,意思能明白,但是怎么句子的成分摆成这样,帮我掰掰... He is used to the long working hours甚么意思? ED Smith watches TV in the motning.改为一般疑问句 潼关吏和石壕吏都属于杜甫著名的叙事诗( ),( ) watches TV in the evening.改为特殊疑问句 Ling's mother watches Tv in the evening.改成一般疑问句、肯定、否定 如图,O为△ABC内一点,∠A=80°,∠CBO=1/m∠CBA,∠BCO=1/m;;∠BCA①若m=2,求∠O的度数(x+5)/6>(10-x)/9+1②若m是{ 的正整数解,求∠O的度数2x-2≤(10x+1)/6 O为△ABC内一点,∠A=80°,∠CBO=1/m∠CBA,∠BCO=1/m∠BCA若m是(1)(X+5)/6>(10-X)/9+1 (2)2X-2≤(10X+1)/6的正整数解,求∠O的度数. 在三角形ABC中,AB=2,BC=4,D为BC边上一点,BD=1, 求证 三角形ABD相似于三角形CBA它的答案写着BD比AB=1/2,AB比BC=1/2,我不明白为什么BD比AB后,又AB比BC,不是说对应边的比相等吗,图里的AB这条边的对应边都 darkness darkThe light went out and the room was ( ).A completely in darkness B complete in darkC completely darkness D complete dark 分析一下为什么呢flowray,除了B选项外,每个选项错在哪我都明白了 你能再跟我说说B 因 dark与darkness1,当dark作为名词时,是不是就等于darkness?2,clothing和clothes应该也没什么区别吧? dark/darkness作名词,举例区别 we watch sports games中的watch加s吗 在Rt△ABC中,∠CAB=90°,点A在y轴上,点B在x轴上,已知点C(1,4),tan∠CBA=1/3,tan∠CBO=2(1)求点A的坐标及图像过点A、B、C的二次函数解析式(2)若(1)中的函数图象与x轴的负半轴交点P,是判断直角三 Is John strong?a:yes,he is b:No he is sick c:yes,he looks healthy d:No,he isn't fit or strong Your mother's swimming pool 别给翻译成“你母亲的游泳池” Why is Tony strong?是个么意思? is Jack his why teeth brushing 几种染色剂的使用原理、使用方法归纳 氧化某与氧化亚某有什么区别?如:(氧化铜和氧化亚铜)) 臭氧比氧气具有更强的氧化性为什么不会把铜氧化成Cu2o氧气也是把Cu氧化为CuO,我不理解臭氧的氧化性更强体现在哪 Tom has long hair.(变否定句、一般疑问句、作肯定回答和否定回答 氧化亚铜(Cu2O)是鲜红色粉末状固体,可用作杀菌剂、陶瓷和搪瓷的着色剂、红色玻璃染色剂等.现将Cu2O和Cu的固体混合物6.8g放入烧杯中,加入足量的稀硫酸,充分反应后,过滤、洗涤、干燥,得 初二英语 different 是副词吗i want to do something different.不就是different当副词吗 different能当副词吗?i want to do something different.句子不对吗 这里的different是什么词性呢 A little bit each night,enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school什么意思. 单选:Newspapers can keep us ___ about what is happening in the world.A.informingB.informedC.being informed----------key Bkeep后面不是应该加doing吗? 【选择题】The mass media keep us well( )of what is happening in the world which would..The mass media keep us well( )of what is happening in the world which would otherwise remain unknown.A.concernedB.exposedC.acquaintedD.informed该选