
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:37:09
英语翻译1、Up to now there has been no response to the goverment's now decision from the public.2、Conversation is supposed to be a two-way thing,and generally people want to know more about you than want to talk about themselves.3、These figu 英语翻译1.他被埋在雪里半个多小时 (bury)2.工作结束的时候,我们都非常高兴 (at an end)3.他的整座房子都在地震中毁掉了 (destroy)4.下了十天雨后河堤决口了 (burst) 广州本田后怎么写city或者是family?如上, 英语翻译The first compilation of Tori Amos hits from her multi-platinum catalog...Remixed.Re-Mastered.Revealed.She has sold fifteen million records worldwide,done numerous sold-out world tours,and has amassed one of the most loyal followings in c 《变形金刚2》霸天虎和威震天是什么关系?动画片《变形金刚》霸天虎和威震天是什么关系? 动画片里《变形金刚》霸天虎和威震天好像是敌对关系吗?那为什么霸天虎和威震天同样和擎天柱 英语翻译Design a program for a computer store owner,which can be used to set up a computer system based on the customers requirements.Make up a file containing the data of the computer components available in the store.The program will display th 英语翻译悬空寺,又名玄空寺,位于山西浑源县,距大同市65公里,全国重点文物保护单位.悬空寺始建于1400多年前,悬空寺距地面高约50米,悬空寺发展了我国的建筑传统和建筑风格,其建筑特色可以 英语翻译浩虽被黜放,口无怨言,夷神委命,谈咏不辍,虽家人不见其有流放之感,但终日书空,作‘咄咄怪事’四字而已”. 英语翻译And you wanted to see things through? 英语翻译I would have to see what I could do to get Charlie to put them somewhere else,at least while I was living here. 大家帮我翻译一下这句话..谢谢了bntered into and concluded between kintoon development ltd 没多少积分了 不好意思 只有10分了..请各位帮忙谢谢了 What other ______(animal) does Jim like?用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,是什么? CITY OF GOD这部电影的中文名字是什么?我看这部影片,名字却叫好几个,要能保证准确的名称喔! 英语翻译1.我眼睛近视2.见到你很高兴3.我的钢琴十级4.大连是不是很好啊?5.请你多看看大连的景色6. 英语翻译1.九年前的一天2.自从这件事以后,我总觉的自己很幼稚.3.一切事物对于我来说,都很简单.所以,我做了许多蠢事. 校园里有一个正方形的花坛,每边种6棵树,至少要种多少棵? 一个正方形花坛四周每边都种8棵树并且四个角必须都种,共种多少棵树? (收入和费用要素属于损益类,而费用要素的成本内容单属于成本类)特别是这句话的后半部分,一头雾水,小弟刚自学会计,请多多教导, 会计基础 一个企业的资金运动大致 有以下几种() 是多选题会计基础 一个企业的资金运动大致 有以下几种() A 资产内部的此增彼减 总额不变B 负债 所有者权益内部此增彼减C所有者权益 the program was known as "Project Beacon".as "Project Beacon",在句子里做什么成分?如果是状语,是什么状语? 穴 字头 下面一个” 成“ 读什么?拼音怎么拼,我不会五笔,麻烦帮我查下 用英语怎么说 “香港城中基督教会青年团契”青年团契叫Youth Fellowship 但是怎么组织起来是对的 这事很慎重,谢谢下面朋友的回答,但是还需要加上“城中基督教会”这个不能省略。Centre Ch 关于谓语动词加s的问题我知道第三人称要谓语要加s,那么newspaper、the book之类的物体作主语时谓语动词是不是也要加s? 请问下面句子有没有语法错误,如有请纠正,知道者请速回,However,Some people work hard to support their families,others are want to prove their ability in the work. ——Bill is warm-hearted.—— ( ) his sister Betty.A.So is B.So does C.It's the same with Time怎么用?good times 为什么要加s呢 不是表示时间不可数吗? time表示时间不是不可数吗 可是为什么有下面这一句话What times of the day do you feel you have an empty stomach? 单项选择 every one of us ____ listening to music Alike B likes C is liking D are likingthere are many children on the playground .look!some are ____ football.____are piaying basketballA play;the other B playing ; the other C play ;other D playing It is one of the sweetest,most romantic things anyone has every done for me 求翻译 灌墨怎么会发生化学反应?谁能给我说说吗? 灌墨会发生化学反应是怎么个情况?我怎么没事? What are the tigers doing?该怎么回答?