
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 00:12:23
tell me something you love me .i said i do not export .the word they say . could you tell me some good words for lovetong shang 从哲学角度分析人的价值, What's your english like?你爱好英语吗?请回答. How nice the food is!Would you like _____ more?A.muchB.someC.anyD.many选择原因? ----How delicious the food is!----Would you like_____more? can you tell me something about it?为什么没用anything You__hear more help,even though you were really very busy.A.ought to have given B.must have given C.might give D.ought to give now tell me something about it变成中文 Who knows the duckbill?Can you tell me something about it?You'd better ues English.Thank you very much.你好,请问有人知道鸭嘴兽吗?能否告诉我一些它们的信息,最好用英语,如果是其他动物的话也可以,谢谢. 哲学领域中的爱情,哲学高度上的爱情,会是什么样的? 为什么从哲学层面上讲爱情是苦涩的呢 比较质量密度处处相等的星球表面的钟和深洞里的钟,哪个走得更慢一些?为什么? 有关相对论的问题时光倒流是怎么一回事,时光倒流的话,你还会不会回到娘肚子里?还是继续发生,相对变慢? 如果两个星体相距3*10^8m,设为A星B星,当A星远离B星时,两星体间引力减小,而此作用在瞬间发生,由此可以得出,引力的传递速度超过光速?究竟为什么呢? At the moment when you wanna give up ,think about why you have come this far.内含的语法? Now that things have come to this, I don’t give a damn (what happens) any more! / To hell with it! In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.请翻译 有谁知道那些实验能够验证相对论的正确性啊? 求证明相对论正确的所有相关实验及证据有过程或数据的最好,给个链接也行写出这些实验或现象的名称也行除了这几个经典的之外,还有其他的吗,这几个地球人都知道啊 相对论的正确性证明问题1.日全食时,太阳背后的恒星发出的光能传到地球,只能说明光在太阳的引力作用下,路线发生了弯曲吧.怎么能够说明太阳周围的空间发生了扭曲呢?2.万有引力公式中的 which is surrounded by beautiful woods为什么is 后面是过去式? 有没有证明《相对论》有错的实验 证明相对论的实验除了水星那个例子外还有什么实验证明过相对论的吗?顺便介绍下水星的那个实验的原理 As you worked late yesterday,you ___ have come this morning.A.needn'tB.mayn'tC.can'tD.mustn't那D musn't也可以翻译成不必啊.. HAVE YOU EVER COME ACROSS THIS?做以下过程:从2—9中任选一个数,在乘以9.再把所得的两位数的个位和十位相加得到得数为9.为何会这样?PLEASE!请您仔细审题PLEASE! just want to love you 的英文缩写是什么? 这种字 怎么打 Just want to love you. a letter love A love Letter Filled With enmity? f.t triple 的love letter的mv……一定要高清的!格式无所谓……一定要高清…… Love LettersFebruary 14,2003Dear jane,There is nothing more difficult for a introvert person like me than to write a litter that will tell you much you mean to me.You are the dearest thing to me in the world.Though I have known a lot about my work,I 英语翻译