
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:49:34
just for a moment- jason chen 前面的对话写下中英文翻译啊 thanks What do you do on children's kuai What do you do on Children's Day?What do you do on Children's Day?怎么回答? I can feel that your heart is beating with me.的中文是什么? “I can feel your heart,Losing you is painful to There will be a p_____concert this evening. I shall have completed this.I shall have completed this novel by December.By then I __________________(work)on it for ten months.这道题的题目是用正确的时态填空,横线上的答案是:shall have been working.但不知道为什么,知道 92103: this is just a strategy. textile chains should 1,Don't go in ,this is the shop___we have just been___.A.\ to B that \ C.where .to.D.which there 2,The would _____is made up of matter.A.in that live in .B.on which we live C.where we live in D.we live in谁知道这两道关于定语从句的题选 This TV program is h______.You should watch it when you have time. What does you have in Thurs-days? 这句话哪里错了 What associations does the sky have for you?"the sky have for you"是什么用法? 要上杰克美语一年左右的外教口语多少钱现在?选修课还送不送了? Is there any student pass the exam without any hard work but just with the lucky number?句子结构有什么问题,或者怎样更好? Does rule work Yes._______ students are absent.A、Some B、NoC、All [ ]does he work? 关于文学与生活之间的关系,最好是具体一点,生动一点的, 文学与生活的关系 论文 如何理解辩证关系?一事物对于另一事物的辩证关系究竟体现在哪几点上?是从辩证法的观点来阐述的吗?是不是说是一事物对另一事物有反作用,相互制约,相互联系,不可分割互为整体呢? there_a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening A was Bis going be Cwill have 用already,ever,never,just,yet填空I have____brought my car to the garage.The mechanics are working on it.Have you___been to Finland?I have___seen such interesting film.It's great.Have you told the truth to your father___?How delicious the food. Yes There will be a ————in the hall tomorrow evening. A.student B.child C.show D.piano选择题 在线等 -Has Tom seen this movie before? -No,he has __ seen it before. A.just B.ever C.never D.already 如何让自己拥有阳光心灵?如何让自己的生活过得喜悦和快乐? There will be a film this evening.(改为同义句) There_ _ _ _ a film a film this evening 化学溶液的质量分数将25g石灰石放入73g稀盐酸中(假设石灰石中的杂质不跟盐酸反应,也不溶于水),恰好完全反应,放出8.8g二氧化碳.求:(1)反应后溶液中溶质的质量分数 化学----溶液的质量分数现有80℃时的硝酸钠饱和溶液500g,下列措施中,能改变该溶液中硝酸钠的质量分数的是( )A.将该溶液升高到90℃ B.将该溶液降温到20℃C.保持温度不变,向该溶液中加入10g he just have to cross Street.句子有错吗,have要单三吗? 化学配置一定质量分数的溶液时装瓶这个步骤要不要算,如果放在烧杯里配完马上要用,且是一次性用完,那装瓶不是多此一举,是不是装瓶有时要有时不要呢?一般没有前提,默认是要还是不要? 100g稀硫酸与100g溶质的质量分数为20%的氢氧化钠的溶液恰好发生反应(H2SO4+2NaOH=Na2SO4+2H2O)求所得溶液中溶质的质量分数 当在有have to 的句子中要加上just,just应加在have to的前面还是后面? 尽管相隔甚远,但心一直不变用英语怎么说