
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 14:06:45
帮我看看!2.一块长方体钢柸的长和宽都是6厘米,高是3厘米,如果要把这块钢柸锻造成底面积是27平方厘米的长方体,高会变成多少厘米?3.公园的花圃中要修一道长25米、厚30厘米、高2米的隔墙.如 怎么区分木代尔和竹纤维 merino wool是什么 Please note that the wool need is re-cycle not virgin channel stuffing是什么意思?在讲销售方面的不正当事件时, "nutmeat stuffing"什么意思啊 i'm stuffing 有我吃饱了得意思么? stuffing a duck died in the wool 或者died-in-the-wool 是什么意思当然不是问“死在羊毛里”之类的问题,这应该是句俚语,什么意思呢? 植物纤维和棉有什么区别? 智者学派和苏格拉底的思想有什么异同点 求古体字花 落 唐 我要刻章打不出吗 什么是竹原纤维 和竹纤维有什么 区别 世界上有七大洲、四大洋,最大的大洲是———,最大的大洋是———. “我”字古体字是什么样子的?如题. 古体字 怎么读还有一个中间是个同字 怎么读 猴子摘桃,第一天摘了树上桃子的一半多一个第2天摘了余下桃子的一半少一个这时树上还有15个桃子,原来树上有多少桃子 哪位英语高手能帮我改改这篇文章My name is joyce,a common girl with glassess.I'm not quite outgoing but love to talk with others as well.As for hobbies,I love reading novels the most which lead me to a fantastic world people seldom can l 帮我改改这篇英语短文有什么语法、拼写上的错误,或更好的词,请帮我加上,原doc文件:When we are really small,our parents endlessly teach us what is right and what is wrong,when we have grown up,we have the choice to do t 怎样活的更精彩些? 计算|1/3-1/2|+|1/4-1/3|+|1/5-1/4|+.+|1/2010+1/2009/= 还有一题:在数轴上有一只蚂蚁,从原点出发,它先向右,爬行了4个单位长度到达点A,再向右爬行了2个单位长度到达点B,然后又向右爬行了10个单位到达 怎样才能使自己活的更精彩?求大神帮助我的生活一直很平静,平静的让我感到窒息.我不想这样平凡的活着! she devoted herself() the problemsA.in studyingB.at studyingC.to studyD.to study 能帮我改改这篇英语文章吗Obstacles in my English learning?As time goes on,they are become more and more serious.Form listening to writing,they are different for me.The grammars,which are boring and tedious,become the biggest obstacle I hav you ( )a teacher .I ( )a student.在购买衣服时( )表示小号,()表示中号,()表示大号A.S,M,L B.S,M,X CL,M,S请找出含有相同音素的一组A.P,T,V B.Q,U,V C.Y,R,IMr.Li and Mr.Chen() at home.My mom()a teacher.I()her stud you _____a teacher.my sister ____a teacher too. BBC World News的Changing Fortunes预告词At the 21st century,world is changing下面是什么 16.The weather around the world is changing from mild weather to weather that is growing warmer ev求翻译The weather around the world is changing from mild weather to weather that is growing warmer every year. 计算图中阴影部分面积, 人是恐龙变的,还是猴子变的? 间接引语.楚王听了,只好赔不是,说:“我原来想取笑大夫,没想到反让大夫取笑了. 找一本书关于一只猴子在恐龙世界生存的有4本,小时候看过的,好像一开始猴子的妈妈不知道是被杀了,还是逃跑的时候丢了主角,后来主角独自生存,经常偷吃鸟的蛋,后来有一次偷来的蛋蹦出来