
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 19:39:44
用 角A,B,C的 正弦,余弦表示:sin(A+B+C) 七氟丙烷灭火药剂多长时间需要更换? Do you have a School Day at your School?的回答是什么 The output of the paper mill is now three times as high as it was in 1966.此句在in 1966前面用了it was.为什么呢?the irrigated area in this place is four times bigger than in 1978.为什么这句中in 1978前面没有it was 两句话加不 关于描写自然景物的名言佳句越多越好! “Our house is three time than theirs”这句话是否正确RT打漏了.重发:"Our house is three time big than theirs" 关于描写自然景象的名言佳句2个 23.In our factory _____ of the workers _____ from Jiangxi.A.three fifths ; are B.three fifth ; C three fifths,is D three fifth,is your day do have school at you school a 怎么造句 有没有关于描写自然景物的名言佳句?要短句子,但要完整! 6.In this workshop ,the output of July was three times ()of January.A.that B.this C.one D.it 关于自然景物的名言佳句 高中数学有涉及到高等数学吗 七氟丙烷药剂的充装系数是多少,比喻90L瓶最多可充装多少药剂 如何计算七氟丙烷有管网气体灭火系统管径尺寸大小最好给一个例子 七氟丙烷药剂罐上压力表为0 The use we made the time was important.请分析句子结构we made the time 算定语从句么 已知a,b属于 (0, π),且tana、tanb是方程x²-5x+6=0的两个根,求tan(a+b)的值. 已知关于x的一元二次方程<m-1>x的平方+x+1=0有实数根求m的取值范围? 什么叫贮压式七氟丙烷灭火系统,他与备压式七氟丙烷灭火系统有什么区别. what do you do at your school? what events do you have in our school? 这两局话有什么语法点等知识what do you do at your school? what events do you have in our school? 这两局话有什么语法点等知识 或是记忆方法 教我 what ___do you have at your school?a.events b.event c.some events d.an event为什么? __ events do you have at your school?(Where What how When)哪个正确? 3.What events do you have at your school in May? 4.Is it April 5 today? 一表 二表A 二表B 三表 都有什么区别 若关于x的方程x/x+1-m/x²+x=x+1/x无解,求m的值 一堆圆锥形煤,底面半径是2m,5m.如果每立方米的煤约重1.4t,这堆煤有多少吨?对了。得数保留整数 do you have a school day( )your school?选项 1.atdo you have a school day( )your school?选项 1.at2.on3.of4.about 再问一道.若X-1的绝对值+Y-2的绝对值+Z-3的绝对值=0,则(X+1)(Y-2)(Z+3)的值为多少? 求,过直线(x-2)/2=(y+2)/3=(z-2)/2 ,且与平面3x+2y-z-5=0 垂直的平面 过点p(-2,3,1)和直线L:(2x-y=0;3x-2y+z=1)的平面方程为...这是微积分下的一道题目 我挂科补考了.T T 椭圆x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)与直线x+y=1交于P.Q两点,且OP垂直OQ,其中0为坐标原点(1) 求1/a^2+1/b^2的值(2)若椭圆离心率e满足根号3/3小于等于e小于等于根号2/2,求椭圆长轴的取值范围