
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 20:42:23
将下列名词变为复数形式 4A like black的衣服大概多少钱一件RT 外套.T桖、裤子、帽子、包包的价 Sue is ()honest girl (a;an)要快! kitty is ( ) an honest girl .(real) Lily has a good journey.(改为否定句)( )the summer palace is a place ( ) a lot of old buildings and temples B.out of c.with 鸟美在羽毛,人美在学问.这句话怎么解释.蕴涵着什么道理我们应该怎样做到这样? 英语单词桃子的英,美式英标(最好带读音) 根据要求写出下列词的相应形式.sister(对应词)father(对应词)that(复数)this(复数)R(同音词)写出下列单词的复数形式.this ,that ,key,is ,friend,she,isn't,family.用am,are,is填空.These ( )his brother 4÷5=()分之十五=()分之二十八=12:()=(小数) 3÷5=十五分之几?=几分之十八=( )最后一个填小数 5分之2=( )分之10=5+( )分之18=( )(小数) like black sad 蚂蚁为什么下雨前要搬家 帮忙回答一下谓语动词既可用单数有可用复数的情况.(不要把可用单数的给我,可用复数的给我,不是一个概念).所以我给的悬赏不低所以希望不要糊弄我,我是要交作业的.应该至少五点. what's the black coat like.翻译 嫂子用brother's wife还是sister-in-law? sister-in-law的复数如题 colored our faces white and mouths black like.ghosts.翻译 为什么下雨蚂蚁要搬家快 求It seems to 和there seems to的区别~seems to和there seems to的区别```什么情况下只有It seems to(或there seems to)能用而另外那个不能? 家畜和家禽有什么区别? There seems to be .为什么开头用there 不用 itThere seems to be no indication that there will be an earthquake.为什么开头用there 不用 it 家禽和家畜的区别是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢 又见桃源阅读答案 蚂蚁为什么下雨前会搬家? 桃源依旧在阅读答案 奥运是中国的奥运你想对中国健儿说些什么奥运是中国的奥运,是全世界的奥运,在2008年的第29届奥运会上,中国健儿获得的金牌最多,他们大展了风采,大振了国威,再一次证明了中华民族的强大 老外说:"There always seems to be a catch isn't there?" 家禽和家畜的区别?哪些是家禽?哪些是家畜?狗和猫算什么? there seems to be end to work i have to 请问,世界上动物之中,是脊椎动物较多,还是无脊椎动物较多? it seems to be 和 there seems to be 意思,区别和用法 I like black sportssuit.miss