
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:54:41
《赤壁》“折戟”让诗人想到了什么?“认前朝”与后两句有什么联系?《赤壁》(作者:杜牧)   折戟沉沙铁未销,  自将磨洗认前朝.  东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔. Let's go walking tomorrow改成同义句 Let's go walking tomorrow.的同义句 佛教怎么解释一个人会自杀的原因?我听过一个说法是自杀是因为冤亲债主在身边是吗? 谁能给关于Asking the Way的对话案例给我? 有关asking the way的句子英语中有关asking the way的句型 asking the way的用法 hi,you are kiding!and many people want to finding girlfriend or boyfriend in these chat group All of us want very much to see these amusing movies,especially ------you referred to just now.A.any B it C the one D one. 关于词"body"看这个句子 There,below them,is a body of water."a body of I don't want( )these questionthey do ( )they want to do and care if other peopie like it or not.i am not allowed to ( ) what about ( e_____body,一个英文单词? 歌曲《No body》中的单词“body”的音标是什么?我的同学、妈妈读这个单词的发音都不一样,希望能知道它的正确读音. body part类型的单词. 求翻译 So if you think your brand really is right for the music festival environment 有一首歌有这个词,好像中文歌so body如题 the USA 的the 该读 什么音,di 还是de 呢我刚才提问,没得到满意的回答,他们都没看到这题呐…… 美国人怎么一看见the就知道读di还是dethe是读di还是de取决于它后面紧跟着的名词的第一个字母是否是原因字母,或第一个音是否是原音,但是我们一般要去注意那后面的名词才知道怎么读,为什 therefore to teach is to learn and to learn is to teach帮翻译下, 徐州某企业2008年账面会计利润为210000元,税收滞纳金2500元,业务招待费超支8000元,国债利息收入5000元,其2008年应纳税所得额为( ) 2008年甲厂比乙厂多获利140万元,已知甲厂利润的2/5等于乙厂利润的3/4,甲厂有利润多少万元? 金子塔是外星人建造的吗? you had better try different ways you can think of ______words and expressions选哪个?速度.求解释A/remember B/to remember C/remembering D/remembered Please think of different ways of_water A.to saveB.savingC.saveing选什麼 what do you think of the ways to sleep better suggested 用英语(附带中文)回答这个问题... 塞万提斯“不要睡懒觉……”这句话的西班牙文原文求塞万提斯说的“不要睡懒觉,不和太阳一同起身就辜负了那一天……“勤敏是好运之母”,反过来,懒惰就空有大志,成不了事.”这句话的 Brian: Hello, Alan. How are you? Alan: ___ A. Sorry to disturb you B. Oh, hello, Brian. I am fine C A:Hi,Jim!How are you today?B:Oh,hello,Jack!1 And you?A:I’m OK.Jim,what are you goingA:Hi,Jim!How are you today?B:Oh,hello,Jack!()And you?A:I’m OK.Jim,what are you going to do tomorrow?B:()Why?A:We are going to play football.B:() Can I 妖娆的近义词和反义词一定要快!准确一点,越多越好!!! 去散步怎么样_ _ _ go for a walk? 面子和自尊心 是一回事吗? 自尊心和要面子是一个意思吗?如果不是请逐个解释?