
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:12:05
求教英语大神,这句话语法错误在哪里?要怎么改?As an old saying goes,"Genius is nothing but labor and diligence." when we have been learning in high school,it is necessary to seek different ways to improve our academic performance. 求大神帮我检查一下这篇300多字的英语小作文有没有语法错误如题!感激不尽!这里发不了,可以留个yx吗? 求英语大神帮修改作文The biggest problem we faced todayWe ,here,means the generation of us .Thus ,I think,the biggest problem we faced today is future .Future is a big word.In our childhood,we always think wildly about our future ,of our car 英语翻译卖火柴的小女孩改编版(奶奶拒绝带走小女孩的话)孙女,一个人在成长的道路上总是面对很大的压力失望和绝望,但希望也存在,所以,我不能把你带走,希望你能找回属于自己的勇气 英语翻译原文~商业社会,广告的重要性不言而喻,近年来通过改造成语以谋求宣传效果的广告语大量涌现.许多成语广告创意独特、语意蕴丰富,堪称成语与广告的完美结合.然而,我们也看到了广 英语翻译2006年,北京市委、市政府下发《关于区县功能定位及评价指标的指导意见》,将东城、西城、崇文和宣武四个区定位为“首都功能核心区”.如今,新东城区面积41.84平方公里,汇聚了故 作文 中译英 无语法错误失败不是一件坏事.在失败中人们可以看到自己的不足,可以在失败中汲取经验,失败也会磨练人们的意志.第一,在失败中可以看到自己的不足.也可以看到别人怎么处理 英语短文(中译英)告诉你们一个故事,我有一个朋友她叫谭哑担…她在幼儿园看两个男生打架,结果自己也被打了一拳,从此在她幼小的心灵上留下了难以抹去的伤痕.不过,幸好她碰到了一个 英语翻译2011年8月5日.情人节前夕,我去了我梦寐以久的地方:花卉世界.酷爱植物的我怎么会错过这个的地方?没有人陪所以就只身前往.当车辆停在站台的时候我惊呆了,花卉世界被涂上了鲜艳 英语翻译第26届大学生夏季运动会在深圳举行.为了迎接大运,深圳很多房子都披上了新衣服,道路装饰得更加美,市民的素质提高了许多.真的是办赛事,办城市啊.对于在家门口举行的国际级的赛 求检查一下这篇英语文章的语法错误(急)NicaraguaLocated in the Central America Nicaragua,Honduras,north to south,east even Costa Rica in the Caribbean,west faces the Pacific.Official name:The Republic of Nicaragua (The Republicof Ni 检查一下这篇很简单的英语短文有没有语法错误 尽快~88 Zhongshan RoadShanghai200020P.R.ChinaDear Wilson,How are you?I have received the T-shirt which you sent to me as a gift.What a beautiful T-shirt it is!The colour of it attrac 这篇英语短文有没有语法错误?My dream jobWhen I grow up,my parents hope me can be a lawyer ,but I prefer to be a director rather than be a lawyer.I think to be a lawyer is easier than to be a director.If I want to be a lawyer,I should lear 帮我看看、检查检查些列句子有没有语法错误(英语)The moon is the most thoroughly studied celestial.The moon's age is about 4600000000 years.The moon and the earth as a shell,mantle,core layer structure.The outer shell of the mo 英语句子,请检查有没有语法错误I hope he plays football better in the future.要表达的意思是:我希望他在今后足球踢的更好 麻烦帮我看一下这句英语有语法错误吗?he price list that you need has been sent with this letter.中文意思是:您所需要的价格清单已经在本信件的附件中一并发出.这句话The price list that you need has been sent 一段英语,麻烦改下语法错误Michael,I spoke to Lena again today about the request to help me with the seminar,and as this is conflict with our event,Our help will be limited to helping with having some marketing material ready for the semina 英语翻译In short,thewind energy is still outweigh the costs.Wind energy compared with other energysources,has its obvious advantages:great,can be recycled aggregates,widelydistributed,there is no pollution.China's wind energy reserves are large,w 英语翻译I just want to find a person that who can listen to the songs I singing carefully and quietly. 麻烦会英语的帮帮忙……TT^TT麻烦快点,看一下这些句子有没有语法错误~Not all the animals should be protected.Do you know what kinds of animals we need to protect?问:should还有need的位置是在be前面和we 请各位帮忙看一下这句英语有没有语法错误…I am not XXX(人名)only for myself,but also for those who I really cared.大致需要表达的中文意思是“我的存在不仅仅是为了我自己,更是为了那些我真正关心的 这个英语句子有没有语法错误?I’ve always wanted to visit China.意思是什么 有语法错误吗?这是什么时态?时态构成是什么 请问这个英语句子有没有语法错误?From what have been discussed above,it is,therefore,necessary that some effective measures are to be taken to prevent the recurrency of such phenomenon. 帮忙看一下这句英语有没有语法错误I will always just done it.有没有语法错 帮忙看一下有没有英语语法错误,NOTICEWe are now planning to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization in January 2,2014.There is no denying that to be a volunteer is one of the most meaningful things in our life. 我们自己做晚饭的英语怎么说? 今天晚饭我给自己做了个三明治.英语怎么说? “我喜欢我们食堂的晚餐,不过通常是我自己做晚餐”用英语怎么说 做晚饭英语怎么说 温暖用英语怎么说 暖和用英语怎么说 温暖的用英语怎么说?