
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:12:41
本人中文名叫戚康恒想起个C字开头的英文名 起个特别点的英文名字 想起个个性点,有内涵的英文名字,中文名是杜娟!能不能和姓搭配的好听些!尽量顺口好记的! 上海新东方英语和杭州新东方英语哪里好点啊?请具体分析下~有人去上过的,麻烦介绍介绍哦··· 杭州的新东方英语怎么样?呵呵,请提出建议 怎么才能受人尊敬? 中国哪个地方太阳出来最早 中国最早升起太阳的地方在哪 中国太阳最早升起的地方到底是哪里啊初中高中地理书上都说是黑龙江的什么地方 可是还有说是山东的荣成 还有说是南沙群岛的什么地方 到底是哪啊 很迷惑啊 I wanted two tickets,but there were ___ leftI wanted two tickets,but there were ___B__ leftA.neither B.noneC.eitherD.no为什么不选A啊?..我记得none用在三个以上的,neither用在两个之间...是这样的吗? 谁帮帮忙Were there any sharks there?作否定回答 “昨天的晚会很成功”英文翻译 翻译“昨天在晚会上你玩的开心吗?” 这个句子成分的理解.that massive floods deep below Antarctica's ice cover are accelerating the flow of glaciers into the sea.这里的deep,below 都是adv?修饰后面的ice over吗? 请教一个句子成份的理解【Described as "one of the greatest finds of the modern age” after it was lost for more than two centuries,】 the 1507 map of the entire world included data gathered by explorer Amerigo Vespucci.我感觉过去分 英语翻译原句:As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musician like G and P ,that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.我理解不透的主要是两个that, 笔记本散热设计功率的英文缩写 散热功率是什么? 英语翻译 求英文高手帮我翻译一个文章(汉译英,机械类)Mechanics ComponentsCharles W. BeardsleyGearsSpur and helical gears. A gear having tooth elements that are straight and parallelto its axis is known as a spur gear. A spur pair can be us 中国太阳最早升起的地方是哪个省的什么地方 阳光直射南回归线 我国最早看到太阳的省份阳光直射南回归线时 我国最早看到太阳的省份是什么?如果问 每天最早看到日出的省份是?那不是既可能是黑龙江 又可能是海南岛? ______ do people call the food that is not very good for their health ,nancy?they call it junk food . I wondered.Does he like eating apples?使它连成一句 怎么办?复数么? In ten years' time ,all those youngsters will becme---.A grown-up B grown-upsc growns-upD growns-ups我选C为什么错了 不是说名词+介词或介词短语构成的复合名词变复数时,将主体名词(或中心词)变复数 为什么人行道的地砖尺寸通常都较小(30CM*30CM以下)?我爸年纪大了,对不平整的人行道深恶痛绝,我爸认为用大规格的地砖就可以平整,请帮我说服他. 乒乓球和地球哪一个大?地球上的第每一个点在乒乓球上都有一个点和它对应,因此,我认为二者是一样大的. he doesn‘t like music does he 做肯定回答 he doesn't like pop music ,does he ______.he like classical musicA Yes,he does B.No ,he doesn't Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just____worries the publicA,why B,which C.that D,what . 这个题目选D为什么啊. ( )Whether ways will be found to help the country ___the current crisis is just ___worries the public.Aprevent;that Bsurvive;what Cforbid;that Dquit;what( )Poor Helen is beloved as a friendly lady by all who knew her and had ______the same church for What the pubic is ____ about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find a cure for the new disease in a short time.A.conerningB.concernC.concernedD.to concern