
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:51:54
英语翻译The order binds only the company issuing it,rather than the PIMKIE Group as a whole.bind和issue在这里是什么意思?整句话都看不太懂呢~ 在我几岁生日的时候介词in on at 那个sorry,我意思是:在我12岁生日的时候,这句...没具体日期啊,用哪个? 阿廖沙的性格中有哪些是你最喜欢最钦佩的?列举实力说说为什么 英文中want to的缩写怎么发音? The problem ________ at the meeting yesterday.A.came to B.came across C.came up D.came up with为什么不选D 翻译:“search for”和“search from”这句英语句子. “想要”再英语中除了want,would like还有那些表达方式? 游记作文500字 十万火急···要写湖南的景色 Today there are more and more American take-away food ____in China.划线应该填什么单词? 填介词; (1) Who's ( ) duty today? (2) I think Chinese food is different ( ) western food. 有关防水,防电,防火的文章,要超好的,获奖的,网上的我看过不要!我们是去比赛的!八点之前网上的也行,9点半之前, 这句话中的think of a single search应该怎么翻译?I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first. In search of a lonely planet文章翻译 求英语关于do,doing,to do的固定搭配,越多越好 求初中生应掌握的英语do doing to do的搭配有哪些不一定是do to do doing还有一些介词for example:spend onlook forward to doing make sb dolike doing 七年级英语中doing和to do的短语有哪些? 以奖品为话题的作文怎么写急求麻烦给篇范文参考一下 人生的奖品的作文怎么写一次小学的比赛让我明白了人生中最重要的奖品是团结 a new bike will be given to him as a present 被动语态 将下列句子改为被动语态 He bought a bike t将下列句子改为被动语态1.He bought a bike two days ago .A bike()()two days ago2.We must send more satellites into space More satellites ()()()into space3.Scientists may 王林和他的父母住在上海吗?用英语怎么说 英语翻译这句话网上的翻译是:我可以十点过后 但是按字面stay out 呆在外面 不在家的意思 past 10 是10点过的意思那岂不是应该是10点过呆在外面 怎么是10点过后再回家勒? 张明今年12岁了她只过了三个生日张明的生日是几月几日 we'll have the house painted.翻译下 we'll have the house painted.翻译下‘这个句子是什么时态啊`前有将来的意思后面还用过去分词 帮女孩取英文名字-jia我中文名读出来是:Jia hui 女生~请帮忙起个读音接近的英文名,如:jia hui,jia,jia jia 等都可以. 有一定积极可爱的含义. 我能想到是的ja开头的,如Jasmin,Jann,Jarvia,Jaina. 感觉 xie weichao,取个英文名男的 This man is ____ _____PE填空 重写句子 Will he buy a house,a car,or a swimming pool if he wins a lot of money? 用eat、drink、buy、do各造两个句子(一个被动语态、一个主动语态) which word has thousand of letters in it? there is no同意句