
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:25:52
john isn't a diligent student,for it is the third time he has been late,__?为什么填isn't it It's the second time that Jack has been late,--?A.hasn't he B.isn't he C.isn't it D.hasn't it为什么呢? Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their life are their friends.They believethat their family members don't know them as well as their friends d开头的单词.In large families,it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight w Many people lost their ____ ( life ) in the traffic accident.应该填什么?life Many people believe that they are ,or destined to certain life.这句话应该怎么翻译? it is the third time that you have been late this month是强调句型吗 NAETI、CATTI、上海口译证书,哪个最容易考?本人现在英语水平不好,只通过了CET6且才470+,口译基本没希望通过,因为说的少,极其不熟练.主要想通过一个笔译,拿个笔译证书,(工科电力类专业背景, 上海高级口译证书难考吗?据说这张证书价值很大, CATTI 和上海高级口译哪个难考,含金量更高呢? 关于上海口译证书请问上海口译证书目前是不是在全国都有效?我看过一个评论,说上海口译证只是在上海找工作时有作用.是不是这样的?是不是考全国翻译资格证书更有用呢...我不打算从事这 He believes that the carts is unlikely to be the only planet___ life has developed gradually.这...He believes that the carts is unlikely to be the only planet___ life has developed gradually.这句话中为什么要填where,而不填that?先行词 英语翻译翻译.1.在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害.2.英语老师对我们很友好.3.他给了我一条有用的信息.4.史蒂夫乔布斯和乔纳森,谁的小提琴弹得更好?5.没有必要完全一致.6.汤姆从不安静!他总是 Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet_____life has developed gradually.A.that B.where C.which D.whose选B 解释 在太阳底下看书对你的眼睛不好. Stephen Hawking believes that the carts is unlikely to be the only planet ( ) life has developed gradually .A that B,where C,which D,whose [W48] Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has develop grA.that B.where C.which D.whose翻译,并分析.Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet _______ life has develop gradu Htephen Hawing believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet____ life has developed graduallyA that B where C which D whose it is the third time you have arrived late this month.1.为什么用现在完成时而不是过去完成时?2.句中的arrived为什么不能替换成reached? 以后想从事口译工作,想请教一下NAETI,CATTI和上海口译证书哪个认可度更高?哪个通过率更高? 天气很晴朗 在阳光下 有的在钓鱼有的在踢足球、还有的在看书.英语帮忙翻译...急... 音乐理论知识(英语翻译)1.Chords are built off of a single note, called the root.2.In this lesson, we will be discussing triads. 机翻走开!走开! 求助英语翻译“经过两次磨练”,希望简洁一些,谢谢! 我每周锻炼三次用英语翻译 他们都迫不及待想看到那个失踪的孩子用英语翻译 英语翻译 我朋友的衣服比我的衣服好看 My friend has ____ ____ ____I do. 我不想和我朋友买一样的衣服的英文翻译 I don't want to buy ___ __ ___ ___my friends. 英语翻译(我爸爸朋友的生日聚会)my father's friend's birthday party可以翻译吗我爸爸朋友的生日聚会my father's friend's birthday party可以翻译吗 “向着太阳奔跑”英文要怎么翻译 英文翻译 警察帮我们查明了真相.The police------------------------------. 对于这个公司来说,提高产品的质量很重要.英文翻译. 你们的产品质量确实好,但是你们的价对于这个公司来说,提高产品的质量很重要.英文翻译. 你们的产品质量确实好,但是你们的价格也 英语翻译1> 所有的产品线头未处理特别重点 2> 手工不精细 3> 车线不直 4> 内包边接口处未对平齐.5> 横头布料有起皱的现象,包口拉头有掉叻现象不可用.6> 箱底内层有杂物 你这样的阳光.用英语怎么翻译