
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:04:41
看电视 儿歌书都找不到了.一首儿歌【看电视】每天,我们全家人都看电视,我家看电视,真有些奇妙——爸爸( )只有奶奶听得入了迷,我和爸爸都在打盹睡觉.奶奶( )我和爸爸乐得直叫.奶奶 儿童英语儿歌 用一根铁丝做成了一个棱长是8cm的正方体,在用这根铁丝做成一个长10cm,宽8cm的长方体框架,求长方体的体急 /用一根铁丝刚好焊成一个棱长8cm的正方体框架,如果用这根铁丝焊接成长10cm,宽7cm的长方体框架,高为? 一根铁丝正好可以围成一个长为10cm宽为6CM的 高为8cm的长方体框架.如果扎成正方体框架 长方体棱长为多少. 一根铁丝可以做成一个长12Cm,宽10Cm,高8Cm的长方体框架,如果用这根铁丝的成一个正方体框架,那么这个正方体的棱长是多少? 用一根铁丝可做成一个棱长为8cm的正方体框架,用同样的铁丝做一个长为12cm,宽是10cm的长方体框架,高是? 一根铁丝,正好可以做一个长7cm、宽6cm、高5cm的长方体框架.如果用它做一个正方体框架,这个正方体的体积是多少 用一积段铁丝正好可以做一个长7CM.宽6CM.高5CM的长方体框架,如果用这段铁丝做一个正方体的框架这个正方体的体积是多少? 帮忙看看英语文章的语法错误~高分求助~We pick out two kinds of comparative products is:Belong to ETAM of clothing profession dress and belong to BANILLA of dining service industry COFFEE.The our promotion to two kinds of products metho 跪寻英语强人.帮忙看看小弟这短文语法错没.my summer holidayToday,I'm going to the TONGXIANG .It's beautiful,i like it.Here is cold,so l'm putting on my clothes.After,i'm feeling warm.For lunch,i'm eating rice,fish,vegetables and soup 麻烦大家根据我的名字帮我起个好听点的英文名字.我的名字叫 冯浩 男生 麻烦注明一下名字的含义. 求10篇高中英语作文120字左右,要有一些语法错误 帮忙看看这篇文章有没有语法错误看看有没有用语不当或语法错误 我是初二的,所以不要改得太难哟!Today,I tell you a true story about two beggars and me.One day,the beggars stopped me and asked me for money.The begga 高中英语作文 我的英语老师 这篇文章的语法错误帮忙指导一下,Mrs.Li has left a good impression on me.She is a young and beautiful teacher who with enthusiastic and full of energy.I like her unique teaching style,which usually m 帮忙看看这篇文章有没有什么大的语法错误!Friendship is one of the greatest pleasure that people can enjoy. It implies(意味着) loyalty(忠诚), cordiality(热诚), sympathy(同情心), affection and readiness(愿意) to help. Real 英语翻译第一篇:Smile!We say this almost every time we snap a photo.What a wonderful word and what a wonderful action to take.Don't you wish we all had more smiles in our lives?Well let's celebrate that simple little facial motion with a page 我的名字是"嘉欣",我想起1个谐音或带有"嘉"音的英文名. 我叫嘉欣,帮我取个英文名字最好有 j和x字母 好听的 少见的英文名把中文翻一下 、读起来好听的 、听上去好听 , 英语翻译a good memory is a great help in learning a language .everybody learns his own language by remembering what he gears when he is a small child,and some children ---like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents---seem to learn two 用一根32厘米长的铁丝做一个长和宽的比是3:2的长方形,这个长方形的面积是多少? 我的名字叫雪凝,想起一个英文名! 我想起一个英文名,J开头的,因为我的名字是娟,要含义好的,读出来好听的,出国急用!一定要是J开头的,读起来上口的,千万别复制,要有特色,急用啊 初中英语作文、语法的电子书(txt)哪里有? 初中英语作文修改以下出错的语法和句型Li Hua used to quarrel with others.But now with others,get along very harmoniouslyLi Hua used to litter,now care for the environmentHe was addicted to computer games,Now he actively participated i 初中英语作文:有趣的事.初一水平的,简单的语法.带翻译 王者翻译英文帮 我解下 王者 英文是什么 解释下面英文的意思,谢谢各位高手ladies and gentlemen my name is XXX. I am a girl I is 150CM and I is 31kg I likes singing, and danceing, I like play the piano. My favorite color is black, I. Ilike eating icecream. I like to go ou (下面说明)People come into your life for a reason,a season or a lifetime.When you figure out which one it is,you will know what to do for each person.When someone is in your life for a REASON,it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.Th 解释下这段英语 英语 翻译 “王者归来”把“王者归来”翻译成英语是什么呀