
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:50:11
what are you doing和what are you going的区别讲清楚一点,不是你在做什么和你要去哪! 用Where are you going?What are you doing there?What should tourists take with them?Where are you 用Where are you going?What are you doing there?What should tourists take with them?Where are you leaving from?When are you leaving?What are you eating? 中"度"的读音,急,.求教!请给出一定的依据.文中有三处,都读duó吗? 郑人买履中有“因自度其足”中有“度”,该如何发音?请注明发音依据。 郑人买履中【吾忘持度【 】读音和翻译 郑人买履中的三个度啥意思 Cât fac şase plus doi ori patru.尼日利亚语翻译 英语翻译C Please tell my friend Ll NING that ABEL is greeting him from NIGERIA.LI NING has been my customer when he was in CHINA TOWN,in LAGOS NIGERIA.I am not hap C py i missed his contact不要用电脑翻译 dream on life on 有什么出处? 风格一样,dream on,stairway to heaven,18 and life,还要解释什么么 Aerosmith的Dream On有什么特别的意义吗?dream on怎么翻译? Dream Life是什么意思告诉我中文的意思、急. Share ……on life的意思 杜甫的新安吏“借问新安吏”省略的主语是( )本文语言以( )为主“白水暮东流,青山犹哭声”表达了作者怎样的思想感情? 杜甫新安吏翻译- -谢勒``额额```急哇`` 杜甫《新安吏》翻译 郑人买履的所有拼音注释?比如:自(zi)度(duo) 英语翻译 徐州学英语哪里好? tofu on have we fridays lunch and pork for连词成句 tofu on have we Fridays lunch and pork for 排列单词 新安吏与石壕吏从诗的形式上看有什么相同之处 we have beef and potattoes for lunch 问句是什么 新安吏中写人民遭受兵役之苦的诗句是? I have art,P.E.and music on Fridays.的问句是什么 新安吏中描写人民遭受兵役之苦的诗句是 请问 until recently 如题 Until fairly recently Until comparatively recently.对应中文应该怎么说呢?原文:Until compartively recently the opportunities for criminal activity on the Internet have been low. 原文和解释 关于until just recently~我想请教一个TOEFL里遇到的问题.until just recently,most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time.这里面说的那个观点(thought),是人们现 郑人买履原文