you are supposed to follow your nose,actually you always is the appce of my eyeyou are magnificent!啥意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 13:16:15

you are supposed to follow your nose,actually you always is the appce of my eyeyou are magnificent!啥意思?
you are supposed to follow your nose,actually you always is the appce of my eye
you are magnificent!啥意思?

you are supposed to follow your nose,actually you always is the appce of my eyeyou are magnificent!啥意思?
you are supposed to follow your nose,actually you always is the appce of my eye
you are magnificent!

整个都翻译 是吗
你打算去哪呢 代我向你的父母问好 那个短文中有很多错误 迈克在玩呢
哦 你的问题 要这样回答吗?
最好把这个语境给出来 是老师给你说的 还是谁对你说的 什么情况下说的 那样的话翻译就更贴切了嗯 这个翻译。。。 包括标题。。。 是朋友给我的贺卡上写的...


整个都翻译 是吗
你打算去哪呢 代我向你的父母问好 那个短文中有很多错误 迈克在玩呢
哦 你的问题 要这样回答吗?
最好把这个语境给出来 是老师给你说的 还是谁对你说的 什么情况下说的 那样的话翻译就更贴切了



You are supposed to shake hands. 英文翻译Who are you supposed to be you are supposed to go w____ you are from you are supposed to write your composition every other line.are supposed to 我将感激不尽! What are you supposed to do when you meet you are supposed to bow to greet each 为什么what are you supposed to do when you meet someone 回答用you are supposed to kiss. 翻译you are supposed to wash the dishes. You are supposed to shake hands.怎么变疑问句啊 you are not supposed to与you are not allowed to有什么区别 If you go to Beijing,you’ll find the places there are more magnificent than commonlyA:supposing B:supposed C:to supposed D:supposed was/were supposed to do 和is/are supposed to have done是一样的意思吗?You are supposed to have met me here You were supposed to meet me here you are/were supposed to have本应该用 were 还是arebe supposed to have done 翻译成本应该不是问be supposed to do这个我懂 ----You ( )part in the party in time.----sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to takeB.have supposed to C.are supposed to have takenD.supposed to takeHow to choose?and tell me why please. You are supposed to---(work).Why are you playing online games.怎么填 ---You ___ part in the party in time.---Sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to take B.have supposed to C.are supposed to have take D.supposed to take为什么,请解析, when you go to the doctor ,you are supposed to make an a__________ you are supposed to be asleep有何错误我想表达“你现在不是应该在睡觉嘛”,you are supposed to be asleep对吗?难道是you are supposed to being asleep