Most of the shops ________ (open) at nine o'clock in the morning.用所给词的适当形式填空.这条题应该用主动语态填,还是用被动语态呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 23:52:09

Most of the shops ________ (open) at nine o'clock in the morning.用所给词的适当形式填空.这条题应该用主动语态填,还是用被动语态呢?
Most of the shops ________ (open) at nine o'clock in the morning.用所给词的适当形式填空.

Most of the shops ________ (open) at nine o'clock in the morning.用所给词的适当形式填空.这条题应该用主动语态填,还是用被动语态呢?
are 客观陈述 用主动语态即可

主动语态为什么呢?英语主动形式表被动意义十种情况 英语中有时用动词的主动形式表示被动意义。现总结如下: 1.某些感官动词,如look,feel,sound,taste,smell等常用主动形式表示被动意义。例如:2.某些动词,如sell,wash,write,lock,shut,close,open,read,wear等,作不及物动词时常用主动形式表示被动意义。此时往往有程度副词出现例如:His...




are opened
商店是打开的,这不是被动,而是主谓表+状语的句型,这里有精确的时间,所以要用are opened
比如还有种说法 the gate is closed on 10 pm 是不是感觉和题目差不多?

are opened 用被动语态表动作, 表示通常是9点被打开的。
如果用are open则是主系表结构,表示通常9点是开着的,表示状态。

Most shops aren't open at this time.(改为同义句)Most shops __ __ at this time. When we got to the city centre,_____ shops were still open,but most of them were closed. the foreign guests,__ were goverment officials,were warmly welcomed at the airporta.most of themb.most of thatc.most of whomd.most of those为什么选c。 The place where you can enjoy your time the most quietly is at one of the small coffee shops nearthe park{接上}这一句中所用到的语法 Now most of the shops in America ____ open until late into the night.A.stay B.leave C.put D.go on It is May Day holiday.____ shops are still open,but most of them are closed.A.the B.SomeC.Many D.不填 he writes __ than Jack and Tom,heis __ of the threeA.much carefully,the most carefullB.much more careful,the most carefullyC.little more carefully,the most careful D.much more carefully,the most careful The shops are open every day in England和Most shops are closed in England 这两句话一样吗? English is one of the world's most __(wide) used languages. Bikes and buses are the most popular means of t __车站用不用加s it is __ most kind of you.用不用加the it is __ most kind of you.为什么不用加the Of all the shops,this one is the _____(bad) The audience ,__,enjoyed the performance very much.A.most of them were students B.most of which were students C.most of whom being students D.most of whom were students 选哪一个为什么? 介词加关系代词填空The teacher __ __ I learnt most was Mrs.Zhu.What's the name of the sport __ __ you go in a boat.Mathematics is the subject __ __ i am most interest.this is the question __ __ we have had a disscussion. most of the one of the most 英语翻译标题:The Velocity DilemmaAnother aspect of the gating picture that needs and is receiving attention is gate velocity.Until the advent of electronic instrumentation,little thought is given to this parameter in most die casting shops.So