BEC V 两个短句翻译I going to follow it up.It`s an attractive solution.请大家翻译,先谢过they turn it around with a special promotion which worked very well.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 18:49:54

BEC V 两个短句翻译I going to follow it up.It`s an attractive solution.请大家翻译,先谢过they turn it around with a special promotion which worked very well.
BEC V 两个短句翻译
I going to follow it up.
It`s an attractive solution.
they turn it around with a special promotion which worked very well.

BEC V 两个短句翻译I going to follow it up.It`s an attractive solution.请大家翻译,先谢过they turn it around with a special promotion which worked very well.
(1)going to ,将要,打算的意思~
follow ...up有追查,深究,根据...采取进一步行动.
(3)turn ...around意思是:使...成功,使...好转.
work very well:效果很好,很有起色的意思~
所以整句应该翻译成:他们采取的一个独特的很有效的促销活动使事情(句子it在上下文中所指代的内容 )成功了.
PS:上面有些答案turn it around译成“转而”是不恰当的~turn around单独使用才是“转而”的意思~