i will do it next week还是 i will do it in the next week? next week之前用不用介词in?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 19:59:07

i will do it next week还是 i will do it in the next week? next week之前用不用介词in?
i will do it next week还是 i will do it in the next week? next week之前用不用介词in?

i will do it next week还是 i will do it in the next week? next week之前用不用介词in?
the next week第二周,次周;
the + next + week/year/month表示第二……,次……:常用来指过去接下来的……
He said that he would go home the next week.
next month/year也是这样.
In that case the roof is going to cave in next week.

I will do it next week.

一般来讲: I will do it next week. 我下周做(下一个自然周,周日至周六)。但语法上讲, I will do it in the next week 也没错,同时语义上也可以是指 in the next 7 days (连续的一周时间,而不是下一个自然周)。


一般来讲: I will do it next week. 我下周做(下一个自然周,周日至周六)。但语法上讲, I will do it in the next week 也没错,同时语义上也可以是指 in the next 7 days (连续的一周时间,而不是下一个自然周)。


一般将来时: I will do it next week。我下周做它。不用加in。
过去将来时:He said he would do it the next week。他说他下周做它。不用加in。
next week和the next week都表示下周,只不过一个用于一般将来时,一个用于过去将来时。

答案: 【I will do it next week】.才对
next week下周,前面不需要加任何介词

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