关于虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have l虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have loved the Internet .,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 18:40:23

关于虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have l虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have loved the Internet .,
关于虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have l
虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have loved the Internet .,是不是可以翻译为:他本会喜欢电脑(但实际上不喜欢)?还有,类似的:Few people,except conspiracy theorists,would have expected so public a spat as the one this week between the two ringmasters of Formula One motor racing..这句是翻译成“几乎没有人本会期待如此的一个口角(实际上并没有期待)”吗?这么翻译好奇怪!该怎么翻译呢?像这类没有if从句的句子,有没有通用的一个翻译标准呢?

关于虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have l虚拟语气,would have done是表示本应该做但实际没有做,对吧;那这一句:Donavan would have loved the Internet .,
1. I would have told you all about the boy's story, but you didn't ask me. 我本来会告诉你这个小男孩的故事,但是你没有问我.
2. Without your help, I wouldn't have achieved so much. 没有你的帮助,我是不会取得如此大的成绩.
Few people, except conspiracy theorists, would have expected so public a spat as the one this week between the two ringmasters of Formula One motor racing.翻译过来如下:除了那些阴谋论者,没有人预料到在这两个一级方程式赛车指挥者之间为了周冠军而在公众场合下发生口角.(没什么奇怪的啊,呵呵)

关于虚拟语气,什么情况下用should do?什么情况下用would do? 关于would rather的虚拟语气would rather have done跟would rather had done是不是都是表示对过去的虚拟语气? 虚拟语气中的would/conld/should do/have done 与 did/had done有何区别 虚拟语气中had done与would have done,did与would do 的用法有何区别 英语高手请进关于虚拟语气的问题有一种:从句对过去虚拟,主句对现在或将来虚拟的混合情况主句用would/could+do还有一种:从句对过去虚拟 主句用would/could/+have do这两种到底有何区别?有如下 关于虚拟语气中的从句~在虚拟语气中,与将来事实相反主句用would/could/should/might do从句用were to 或should do .从句should do中的should能换成would/could/might吗? 英语语法关于虚拟only by doing sth.were the people.请问这个句式是虚拟语气吗.如果是的话 为什么前面不是would/could/might do呢... would rather虚拟语气用法? would rather虚拟语气用法? 英语语法题关于虚拟语气You___to see him pretend to be angryA.would laugh B.would have laugh请问为什么不能选A 要选B?A也是虚拟语气啊 虚拟语气中对过去的虚拟主句否定是用would have not done or would not have done? what __you __if you __a million dollars?Will do have B:Will do had C:Would do have D:Would do had 这个是考试题,if 当如果讲是不是虚拟语气? 有关英语的题目在虚拟语气中,would和would have到底什么时候用? 关于虚拟语气在虚拟语气的主句中,would/could/should/might这几个情态动词可以互换吗? 虚拟语气的主句,什么时候用would do?什么时候用would have done?我的参考书上写 主句的事实与现在相反,用would do;主句的事实与过去相反,用 would have done 我不太明白啊 虚拟语气不都是 本来应该 关于情态动词和虚拟语气if the present unemployment ___continue,the society would face a more situation.A would B should C might D could--why do not you buy the necklace since you like it so much--i___,but i do not have the moneyA would B wi 关于虚拟语气的问题 would not have found would not findif you had studied the problem carefully yesterday,___为什么不是 you would not have found any difficulty now 而是 you would not find any difficulty now虚拟语气不是 would have 用虚拟语气写关于我有很多钱,我要干什么英语作文.If you had a great deal of money,what should /would/could/might you do?why?虚拟语气.