这里的look Sophia likes to look smart.When she is free,she enjoys listening to the music .Now she plans to learn something about music.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:44:04

这里的look Sophia likes to look smart.When she is free,she enjoys listening to the music .Now she plans to learn something about music.
Sophia likes to look smart.When she is free,she enjoys listening to the music .Now she plans to learn something about music.

这里的look Sophia likes to look smart.When she is free,she enjoys listening to the music .Now she plans to learn something about music.
look smart;按照语境和语义,这里的意思应该是【扮酷;赶时髦;看起来很时髦】等类似意义,相当于follow the fashion /be in the fashion.

look smart 有“看起来精干”之意,联系语境,我觉得应该是这个意思,欢迎大家指正
