get along 与get along with在具体使用时的区别?请问下面的题,应选择哪一项?Mary is kind.She is easy to ______.A.go on B.get along with C.get along D.go on with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:09:57

get along 与get along with在具体使用时的区别?请问下面的题,应选择哪一项?Mary is kind.She is easy to ______.A.go on B.get along with C.get along D.go on with
get along 与get along with在具体使用时的区别?
Mary is kind.She is easy to ______.
A.go on B.get along with C.get along D.go on with

get along 与get along with在具体使用时的区别?请问下面的题,应选择哪一项?Mary is kind.She is easy to ______.A.go on B.get along with C.get along D.go on with
get along with 后面要接不同于主语的其他人,表示"和某人相处得如何"
例句:John can get along with every one in his new office.
例句:I am getting along with the project now.
get along表示主语(通常是两人以上)相处得如何,或者某人能够适应环境.
例句:The children get along very well.
这道题的答案应该是B,因为句子里的she在不定式中是逻辑宾语,能跟宾语的短语是get along with sb.