
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 21:06:34


英语情景剧剧本:Three Little Pigs 三只小猪
Three Little Pigs 三只小猪
Storyteller:There are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈
their mother.Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起.丁丁和东东
Dong are brother pigs.They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他
Lazy.They eat and sleep all day.们整天吃了就睡.龙龙是
Long-Long is the youngest pig.She 最小的,她整天帮着妈妈
works all day.She helps her mother 做家务.
to do the housework.
Mother pig:You have grown up.You must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得
your own houses.为自己盖间房.
Goodbye,little pigs.Build a house.再见,孩子们.去盖间房.
Be careful of the wolf.小心狼.
Wolf:I’m hungry.Look!Three little pigs 狼:我饿了.看,三只小猪可
for dinner.Mmm.以做我的美餐.
Sister pig:What are you doing,brothers?猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?
Ding-Ding:I’m building a house with leaves.丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子.
Dong-Dong:I’m building a house with sticks.东东:我在用树枝盖房子.
Sister pig:But leaves aren’t strong.猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固.树枝也不
And sticks aren’t strong.牢固.
Brother pigs:Yes,we know.But it’s easy.猪哥哥:我们知道.但它很容易.
What are you doing,sister?你在干什么?
Sister pig:I’m building a house with bricks.猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子.
Brother pigs:Bricks!That’s very difficult.猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了.
Sister pig:I know.But bricks are strong.猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固.
Brother pigs:Oh,we’re finished.Let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了.我们打
a nap.个盹吧.
Sister pig:My house is finished.My house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房
is strong.很坚固.
Wolf:Little pigs.Little pigs.Open your 狼:小猪,小猪,快开门!
Brother pigs:No.No.Go away.猪哥哥:不开,不开.快走开.
Wolf:This is very easy.Sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了.树枝和树叶
aren’t strong.都不牢固.
Storyteller:The wolf blows the houses down.讲故事者:狼吹倒了房屋.