we----- get there,when it ------ to rain.a were about to get ,began b.would get began.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:05:34

we----- get there,when it ------ to rain.a were about to get ,began b.would get began.
we----- get there,when it ------ to rain.a were about to get ,began b.would get began.

we----- get there,when it ------ to rain.a were about to get ,began b.would get began.
A.were about to get; began
前面用进行时态或者正要发生某事,后面用when引导从句,表示 “当.时,.”或者“.,就在这时,.”
如:I was washing the dishes when he came.我正在洗盘子,就在这时,他来了.(当他来的时候我正在洗盘子)
He was about to go out when his daughter cried.他正要出门,就在这时,他女儿哭了起来.

选a were about to get , began


be about to get there,就快到那里了
