英语翻译As seen in several Annual Review of Psychology articles on culture and psychology published since the year 1990 (see,e.g.,Gelfand et al.2007a,Heine & Buchtel 2009 for the most recent reviews),considerable progress has been made in the pas

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 09:42:10

英语翻译As seen in several Annual Review of Psychology articles on culture and psychology published since the year 1990 (see,e.g.,Gelfand et al.2007a,Heine & Buchtel 2009 for the most recent reviews),considerable progress has been made in the pas
As seen in several Annual Review of Psychology articles on culture and psychology published since the year 1990 (see,e.g.,Gelfand et al.2007a,Heine & Buchtel 2009 for the most recent reviews),considerable progress has been made in the past two decades.Much of thiswork initially focused on systematic comparisons between Western cultures (as exemplified by North American cultures) and Eastern cultures (as exemplified by East Asian cultures) (e.g.,Kitayama et al.2006a,Markus & Kitayama 1991,Nisbett et al.2001).Unlike its predecessors that used surveys as the primary instrument (e.g.,Hofstede 1980),this new work relied much more heavily on experimental methods and suggested that some fundamental aspects of
basic psychological processes such as cognition,emotion,and motivation can be systematically influenced by culture.Although this work was guided by the general hypothesis that social orientation of independence versus interdependence or individualism versus collectivism is a key dimension underlying the cultural variation (Markus & Kitayama 1991,Triandis 1989),researchers have also examined alternative dimensions including honor (Nisbett & Cohen 1996),tightness (Gelfand et al.2007b),religiosity (Cohen & Rozin 2001),and hierarchy,(Shavitt et al.2010) among others.

英语翻译As seen in several Annual Review of Psychology articles on culture and psychology published since the year 1990 (see,e.g.,Gelfand et al.2007a,Heine & Buchtel 2009 for the most recent reviews),considerable progress has been made in the pas
从1990年以来心理学年鉴中发表的几篇关于文化和心理学的文章(课回顾Gelfand et al.2007a,Heine & Buchtel 2009的文章)来看,最近二十年来已经取得了长足的进步.起初这些论著的焦点主要在于东方(例如东亚文明-)和西方文化(例如北美文明)的系统性的比较(见Kitayama et al.2006a,Markus & Kitayama 1991,Nisbett et al.2001)..和前辈们以调查为主的研究手段不同,这种新的研究方式更加依赖大量的实验.而且他们认为:文化可能会对认知,情感和动机的基本心理过程的一些基本因素造成系统性的影响.尽管引导这项工作是一个假设——相互依存与集体主义或个人主义的独立社会取向是潜伏于文化差异之中的关键一环(Markus & Kitayama 1991,Triandis 1989).研究人员还从以下几个方面进行调查:荣誉感 (Nisbett & Cohen 1996),封闭性(Gelfand et al.2007b),信仰虔诚度(Cohen & Rozin 2001),以及社会等级(Shavitt et al.2010).





可见几个年度回顾》上的文章和心理文化心理学自1990年出版(见,例如,Gelfand al.2007a、海涅和Buchtel等2009最近评论),取得了相当大的进展在过去的两年。许多thiswork最初集中在系统比较西方文化(接触的北美文化)和东方文化(接触的东亚文化)(例如,Kitayama吴昱。2006,1991年和Kitayama马库斯尼斯伯特吴昱。2001)。和它的前辈使用调查为主要仪器(...


可见几个年度回顾》上的文章和心理文化心理学自1990年出版(见,例如,Gelfand al.2007a、海涅和Buchtel等2009最近评论),取得了相当大的进展在过去的两年。许多thiswork最初集中在系统比较西方文化(接触的北美文化)和东方文化(接触的东亚文化)(例如,Kitayama吴昱。2006,1991年和Kitayama马库斯尼斯伯特吴昱。2001)。和它的前辈使用调查为主要仪器(例如,霍夫斯泰德1980),这份新工作在很大程度上依赖于更多的实验方法和建议的一些基本问题
基本的心理过程,如认知、情感、动机可以被系统地受文化。虽然这项工作是遵循一般的假设与相互独立的社会定位或个人主义与集体主义是一个潜在的关键维文化变异和Kitayama马库斯,Triandis 1989),研究人员也调查了替代维度包括荣誉(尼斯伯特和科恩- 1996),密封(al.2007b Gelfand等),宗教(科恩和Rozin 2001),和层次,(Shavitt吴昱。2010)等等。


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