用How Where What When Who造一般将来时的句子,各一个!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 17:02:50

用How Where What When Who造一般将来时的句子,各一个!
用How Where What When Who造一般将来时的句子,各一个!

用How Where What When Who造一般将来时的句子,各一个!
How will you get there tomorrow?
Where will you go tomorrow?
What will you do if you miss the bus?
When will Tommy's birthday party begin on Saturday?
Who will be going to that party with us?

how will you do
where are you going to do
what are you going todo
whois gong to go shopping

How sad we are to hear the bad news!
Where is your cat?
I can see students when l am in the shcool.
Who is fatter, Peter or Ben

How can you ask other persons to write these sentences?
Where shall I go if I miss the direction in the world?
What do you mean about going to the CLINC?
When does he feel better will we leave
Who steals my heart,please tell me!