I like __ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright 1,this 2,that 3,it 4,one

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 02:55:00

I like __ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright 1,this 2,that 3,it 4,one
I like __ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright 1,this 2,that 3,it 4,one

I like __ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright 1,this 2,that 3,it 4,one
答案是 3,it
句中like为及物动词,后面需要跟宾语.而like之后不可直接接从句作宾语.it可用于某些动词(hate, appreciate…)和介词之后作形式宾语.代替后面的从句

3 it ( 代替 weather)
春节快乐! 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!


I like __ in the small river near our home. i like to live in the country.对划线提问 __do you like __ __? I like __ nature要用the吗 1.I like swimming ,sometimes in the river .sometimes __ __ lake near my house 横线上的答案, I'd like to __ the word in French.Asay Bspeak请问选哪个? 4).I like the food __ (烹)at home .I like the food ____ (烹)at home .5).The notes __ (记4).I like the food __ (烹)at home .I like the food ____ (烹)at home .5).The notes __ (记)in class will help us much.The notes i like living in the town house 对the town house 提问 —— of house do you __ __in 填空What is the weather like in __ in Harbin.填空What is the weather like in __ in Harbin? I like walking in the 昨天我和老同学聚会了.I __ __ __ my old classmates yesterday.Jane 希望有一天能环游世界.Jane wishes __ __ __ the world one day.海南的天气四季如春.The weather in Hainan is warm like spring __ __ __ __.房间里温度比较 I like the people __ the food here. I believe in __idea that I shoud fight like __ man whateever trouble I face.A an,a B an,theC the,the D the ,a Dear Annie,thank you for your letter.i'm glad you __ your school.my chinese __ would like to talk with __ in englishvery ofter i go to the parks and have a good time __ my family there I like __ best in this book.A Lesson One B Lesson firs C the lesson one D first lesson I like piaying __ guitarA an B the C a Halloween is a ______[ʃaut] festival.Children in the USAlike it very much题目没打错. i can see five__oranges in the basket[对画线部分提问 】__ __ __ can __ see in the basket —I don't like the way __ he speaks to me.—I share the idea with you.A.on whichB.in thatC.thatD.by which 翻译