1,He was still smilling when the door opened and his wife entered in enter这道题答案是enter,为什么不能用enter in?2,The goverment is trying to persuade people to ____ moneysave economize这道题为什么不能用economizesave 也有节约

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 19:14:28

1,He was still smilling when the door opened and his wife entered in enter这道题答案是enter,为什么不能用enter in?2,The goverment is trying to persuade people to ____ moneysave economize这道题为什么不能用economizesave 也有节约
1,He was still smilling when the door opened and his wife
entered in enter
这道题答案是enter,为什么不能用enter in?
2,The goverment is trying to persuade people to ____ money
save economize
save 也有节约的意思?政府试图呼吁大家存钱!

1,He was still smilling when the door opened and his wife entered in enter这道题答案是enter,为什么不能用enter in?2,The goverment is trying to persuade people to ____ moneysave economize这道题为什么不能用economizesave 也有节约
1.enter本身就含有了“come in”的意思.所以再加上in的话就是含义重复了.
2.save money = economize = 节约钱
这道题和第一题有些像,economize也是本身就带有"save money"的意思了,要么用economize什么都不加,要么用save加上money.



1.enter 本身就有“进去,进入到里面的意思” 故选用enter。(请问你有见过enter in的语法搭配吗?)
2.save有安全等的意思,当它作为动词的时候有节约,节省,储存的意思。例如“save water”节约用水“,save maney与save water一样是固定搭配短语,表示”存钱“的意思。to save money
save economize=存钱以拯...


1.enter 本身就有“进去,进入到里面的意思” 故选用enter。(请问你有见过enter in的语法搭配吗?)
2.save有安全等的意思,当它作为动词的时候有节约,节省,储存的意思。例如“save water”节约用水“,save maney与save water一样是固定搭配短语,表示”存钱“的意思。to save money
save economize=存钱以拯救经济。而”economize“作为副词是表示”有效的利用“。作为动词时是”节省,节省开支“后面是不接maney的。


1. 这是《新概念英语》第二册第31课 success story 成功者的故事
He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in
不知道你的选择题目是谁出的?原题是怎样的?用entered in不对。用entered也不对!用enter就更错了。 我错了,entered...


1. 这是《新概念英语》第二册第31课 success story 成功者的故事
He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in
不知道你的选择题目是谁出的?原题是怎样的?用entered in不对。用entered也不对!用enter就更错了。 我错了,entered可以作不及物动词=came in
economise, / I5kCnEmaIz; I`kBnE9maIz/ v [I,
~ (on sth) save (money, time, resources, etc); spend less than before;
be economical 节省(金钱、 时间、 资源等); 紧缩开支; 节俭; 节约
electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize.
economize on petrol

(a) [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]
~ (sth) (up) (for
sth); ~ (with sth) keep (money) for future use; not spend 储存(钱); 贮蓄
It's prudent to save. 储蓄是有远见的.
(up) for a new bike/to buy a new bike 攒钱买新自行车
save with (ie keep my savings in) the Brighton Building Society.
save part of one's salary each
month 把每月薪水存起一部分来.
(b) [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr]
sth (for sb/sth) keep sth for future use; not use up sth completely 储存某物;
Don't eat all the cake now; save some for
tomorrow. 现在别把蛋糕都吃了, 留些明天吃.
Save your strength
for the hard work you'll have to do later. 留著点儿劲儿,
save one's eyes, ie protect one's
eyesight, eg by not reading too much 保护视力
drink all the wine; save me some/save some for me! 别把酒喝光了, 给我留些!
(c) [Ipr, Tn]
~ (on) sth avoid wasting sth 避免浪费某物; 节省;
save on time and money by shopping at the supermarket
save fuel by insulating one's house

注要区别,不在意思上,而在用法上。economize是不及物地,加on后才=save (money)


He was still _____(alive/lively) Although/Though he was exhausted,(still) he kept on working still 为什么放在he前面~ He was badly ill,but he still worked .(改为复合句)_____ _____he was badly ill,he still worked. He was very tired that he was still in bed.(哪里错了) it was very late,but he was still busy doing his homework的同义句是什么( )it was very late ,he was still busy doing his homework. 1 When he was working there he caught a serious illness from effects he still suffers.A.which Bthat Cwhose Dwhat为什么选C不选A? ( ) he was tird,( ) he still worked hard( ) he was tird,( ) he still worked hardA though ;but B Though;and C though;/ D although ;or The telephone _________(ring ,still) while he was walking to the door .为什么是was still ringing He was still working hard though it was very late.这是什么从句?He was still working hard这句话是主谓宾还是主系表? The sleeping baby _____where he was laid.A.has been still laying B.has still laidC.will still lay D.is still laying Hans explained how it was that he was still alive.句子成分是什么? Her grandfather was still _____when he was taken to hospital 用alive还是living?貌似有still alive也有still living,用的时候怎么区分? he still remembers being taken to Shaihai when he was very young.为什么不是taking. Although he was very tired,he still carried on_with usArunBrunningCranDto run He did not marry ,he was still s 应该填什么? When he was still a child ____ four,he could already write.填什么介词 He woke ( ),but he was still ( )the mattress.填介词和副词 though he was unhappy but he still laughed这句话哪儿错了顺便解释一下原因