in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话希望是高中水平的,一人有六七句,要有买方与卖方

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 11:37:03

in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话希望是高中水平的,一人有六七句,要有买方与卖方
in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话

in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话希望是高中水平的,一人有六七句,要有买方与卖方

(买家)A: Tom ,How do you think that jcaket ?
(朋友)C: very Good,let's go have a look
(卖家)B: what can I do for you ?
(买家和朋友)A and C : we want a jacket
(买家)A: Tom,do you think which one beau...


(买家)A: Tom ,How do you think that jcaket ?
(朋友)C: very Good,let's go have a look
(卖家)B: what can I do for you ?
(买家和朋友)A and C : we want a jacket
(买家)A: Tom,do you think which one beautiful
(朋友)C: which color do you like best ?
(买家)A: I like white and black best
(朋友)C: ok,we have this one
(买家)A: Could you tell me how much it is?
(卖家)B: In the neighbourhood of $ 300.
(买家)A: That’s way too much money.


(朋友)C: can you make it cheager ?
(卖家)B: We can make dow by model.
(买家)A: We have to ask for another price reduction.
(卖家)B: You can fourget about another cut.
(买家)A: I’ll accept your offer.

