What is "Enlightenment and RevolutionWhat is this? I will say what I want in Chinese later because I am using a English-Language computer这个是什么东西那里有这个东西的中文简介也要英文的谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:55:38

What is "Enlightenment and RevolutionWhat is this? I will say what I want in Chinese later because I am using a English-Language computer这个是什么东西那里有这个东西的中文简介也要英文的谢谢!
What is "Enlightenment and Revolution
What is this? I will say what I want in Chinese later because I am using a English-Language computer

What is "Enlightenment and RevolutionWhat is this? I will say what I want in Chinese later because I am using a English-Language computer这个是什么东西那里有这个东西的中文简介也要英文的谢谢!
启蒙时代(Enlightenment) - 这通常是指在18世纪初至1789年法国大革命间的一个新思维不断涌现的时代.与理性主义等一起构成一个较长的文化运动时期.这个时期的启蒙运动,覆盖了各个知识领域,如自然科学、哲学、伦理学、政治学、经济学、历史学、文学、教育学等等.
法国大革命战争(French Revolution)指的是1792年到1802年间新建立的法兰西共和国和反法同盟之间的一系列战争.法国大革命战争在军事史上有重大意义,是历史上的第一场“现代战争”.在民族主义激励下的法国公民组成的军队打败了欧洲各国的职业军人,显示了民族主义和征兵制相结合的巨大威力.法国军队开创了以普遍征兵制,就地补给制和多兵种合成编制为核心的现代军事体制,成为现代军事体制的先导.新兴的民族主义和军事制度,随着拿破仑战争传遍了欧洲,彻底改变了人类战争的形态,使得席卷全民的残酷的世界大战成为可能.
The Enlightenment (French: Siècle des Lumières; German: Aufklärung; Italian: Illuminismo; Spanish: Ilustración; Portuguese: Iluminismo) was an eighteenth century movement in European and American philosophy — some classifications also include 17th century philosophy (usually called the Age of Reason).
* 1 Conflicts
* 2 Influence
* 3 Important figures
* 4 See also
* 5 Further reading
* 6 External links
The term can more narrowly refer to the intellectual movement of The Enlightenment, which advocated reason as the primary basis of authority. Developed in France, Britain and Germany, it influenced the whole of Europe including Russia and Scandinavia. The era is marked politically by governmental consolidation, nation creation, greater rights for the common people, and a diminuation of the influence of authoritarian institutions such as the nobility's role and power.
Many of the United States' Founding Fathers were also heavily influenced by Enlightenment-era ideas, particularly in the religious sphere (deism) and, in parallel with liberalism (which had a major influence on its Bill of Rights, in parallel with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen), socialism and anarchism in the political sphere.
Typically, The Enlightenment is said to end around the year 1800 and the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars (1804–15). However, some historians argue that the revolution of knowledge commenced by Newton, and in a climate of increasing disaffection with repressive rule, Enlightenment thinkers believed that systematic thinking might be applied to all areas of human activity, carried into the governmental sphere in their explorations of the individual, society and the state. Its leaders believed they could lead their states to progress after a long period of tradition, irrationality, superstition, and tyranny which they imputed to the Middle Ages. The movement helped create the intellectual framework for the American and French Revolutions, Poland's Constitution of May 3, 1791, the Latin American independence movement, the Greek national independence movement and the later Balkan independence movements against the Ottoman Empire, and led to the rise of classical liberalism, democracy, and capitalism.
The Enlightenment Period receives modern attention as a central model for many movements in the modern period. Another important movement in 18th century philosophy, closely related to it, focused on belief and piety. Some of its proponents, such as George Berkeley, attempted to demonstrate rationally the existence of a supreme being. Piety and belief in this period were integral to the exploration of natural philosophy and ethics, in addition to political theories of the age. However, prominent Enlightenment philosophers such as Thomas Paine, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and David Hume questioned and attacked the existing institutions of both Church and State. The 19th century also saw a continued rise of empiricist ideas and their application to political economy, government and sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology.
The boundaries of the Enlightenment cover much of the seventeenth century as well, though others term the previous era the "Age of Reason." For the present purposes, these two eras are split; however, it is acceptable to think of them joined as one long period.
Europe had been ravaged by religious wars; when peace in the political situation had been restored, after the Peace of Westphalia and the English Civil War, an intellectual upheaval overturned the accepted belief that mysticism and revelation are the primary sources of knowledge and wisdom—which was blamed for fomenting political instability. Instead (according to those that split the two periods), the Age of Reason sought to establish axiomatic philosophy and absolutism as foundations for knowledge and stability. Epistemology, in the writings of Michel de Montaigne and René Descartes, was based on extreme skepticism and inquiry into the nature of "knowledge." The goal of a philosophy based on self-evident axioms reached its height with Baruch (Benedictus de) Spinoza's Ethics, which expounded a pantheistic view of the universe where God and Nature were one. This idea then became central to the Enlightenment from Newton through to Jefferson. The ideas of Pascal, Leibniz, Galileo and other philosophers of the previous period also contributed to and greatly influenced the Enlightenment; for instance, according to E. Cassirer, Leibniz’s treatise On Wisdom "... identified the central concept of the Enlightenment and sketched its theoretical programme" (Cassirer 1979: 121–23). There was a wave of change across European thinking, exemplified by Newton's natural philosophy, which combined mathematics of axiomatic proof with mechanics of physical observation, a coherent system of verifiable predictions, which set the tone for what followed Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in the century after
The Age of Enlightenment is also prominent in the history of Judaism, perhaps because of its conjunction with increased social acceptance of Jews in some western European states, especially those who were not orthodox or who converted to the officially sanctioned version of Christianity.
The French Revolution (1789–1799) was a period of political and social upheaval in the political history of France and Europe as a whole, during which the French governmental structure, previously an absolute monarchy with feudal privileges for the aristocracy and Catholic clergy, underwent radical change to forms based on Enlightenment principles of republic, citizenship, and inalienable rights.
These changes were accompanied by violent turmoil, including executions and repression during the Reign of Terror, and warfare involving every other major European power. Subsequent events caused by the revolution include the Napoleonic wars, the restoration of the monarchy, and two additional revolutions as modern France took shape.
Over the next 75 years, France would be governed, variously, as a republic, a dictatorship, a constitutional monarchy, and two different empires before 1900.

