几个英语句型转换和改错句型转换1.To read in english is one of the fastest ways to improve your english______in english is one of the fastest ways _____ _____your english2.Recently i traveled on a long-distance train for the first time i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:35:48

几个英语句型转换和改错句型转换1.To read in english is one of the fastest ways to improve your english______in english is one of the fastest ways _____ _____your english2.Recently i traveled on a long-distance train for the first time i
1.To read in english is one of the fastest ways to improve your english
______in english is one of the fastest ways _____ _____your english
2.Recently i traveled on a long-distance train for the first time in my life
Recently i _____ _____ _____on a long-distance train
3.However,the hot weather and sand didn't agree with the horses
_____the horses_____the hot weather and sand
4.Camels were a lot more useful than horses in carrying loads for a long distance
Camels were____better than horses for___a long distance
5.The Afghans and their camels stopped doing this in the 1920s
The Afghans and their camels_____this_____the 1920s
6.In 1925,they passed a law allowing people to kill the animals if they became a problem
In 1925,they passed a law____ _____people to ____the animals if they _____a problem
1.Production increased in the last few years
2.Ican remember my first time visit to the zoo
3.Suddenly there appeared a young girl dressing in white

几个英语句型转换和改错句型转换1.To read in english is one of the fastest ways to improve your english______in english is one of the fastest ways _____ _____your english2.Recently i traveled on a long-distance train for the first time i
__Reading____in english is one of the fastest ways ____to_ __improve___your english
Recently i _had____ __a___ __travel___on a long-distance train
However_____the horses___disagreed__the hot weather and sand
Camels were_much___better than horses for__carrying_a long distance
The Afghans and their camels_quitted____this_in____the 1920s
In 1925,they passed a law_which___ _allowed____people to __kill__the animals if they __became___a problem
1.Production has increased in the last few years
2.Ican remember my first time visiting the zoo
3.Suddenly there appeared a young girl dressed in white

1.Reading to improve