张靓颖《胜者为王》《The Winner Takes It All》中文歌词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:00:52

张靓颖《胜者为王》《The Winner Takes It All》中文歌词
张靓颖《胜者为王》《The Winner Takes It All》中文歌词

张靓颖《胜者为王》《The Winner Takes It All》中文歌词
我不想再提 我们俩的经历
i don't wanna talk about the things we've gone through
虽然伤了心 都已经过去
though it's hurting me now it's history
我用尽聪明 一如你的布局
i've played all my cardsand that's what you've done
都不用再提 王牌已出击
too nothing more to say no more ace to play
赢的人已致意 输的人太委屈
the winner takes it all the loser standing small
看对方的胜利 是她的命运
beside the victory that's her destiny
靠在你怀里 以为是我唯一
i was in your arms thinking i belonged there
找的到意义 给我天和地
i figured it made sense building me a fence
家就在那里 想象我够坚定
building me a home thinking i'd be strong there
但我太傻气 落在陷阱里
but i was a fool playing by the rules
当老天下了棋 她的心冷如冰
the gods may throw a dice their minds as cold as ice
在凡间的蝼蚁 是至亲爱的
and someone way down here loses someone dear
赢的人已致意 剩的人输已定
the winner takes it all the loser has to fall
这道理太轻易 我有何怀疑
it's simple and it's plain why should i complain
但是她吻你 是否像我对你
but tell me does she kiss like i used to kiss you
是否如往昔 当她呼唤你
does it feel the same when she calls your name
在你的心底 一定知道我爱你
somewhere deep inside you must know i miss you
我无法言语 规则很清晰
but what can i say rules must be obeyed
让法庭来决定 我只能够聆听
the judges will decide the likes of me a bide
在旁观的人群 内心不平静
spectators of the show always staying low
这游戏又继续 爱情还是友谊
the game is on again a lover or a friend
皇后还是奴隶 赢的人已致意
a big thing or a small the winner takes it all
我不想再提 多说只是痛心
i don't wanna talk if it makes you feel sad
我可以相信 你挥我手致意
and i understand you've come to shake my hand
我真的抱歉 让你乱了心情
i apologizeif it makes you feel bad
我像个笑柄 失去了自信
seeing me so tense self-confidence
but you see
the winner takes it all
the winner takes it all
the winner takes it all