英语翻译The World Is BlackGood CharlotteTurn on channel seven at a quarter to eightYou see the same damn thingIt's just a different day andNo one really knows why this is happeningBut it's happeningAnd everywhere you go it's just a different plac

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:25:57

英语翻译The World Is BlackGood CharlotteTurn on channel seven at a quarter to eightYou see the same damn thingIt's just a different day andNo one really knows why this is happeningBut it's happeningAnd everywhere you go it's just a different plac
The World Is Black
Good Charlotte
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing
It's just a different day and
No one really knows why this is happening
But it's happening
And everywhere you go it's just a different place
You get the same dark feeling
See the same sad faces
No one really cares that this is happening
We come into this world
And we all are the same
In that moment there's no one to blame
But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we say,say
Living in this place it's always been this way
There's no one doing nothing
So there's nothing changed
And I can't live when this world just keeps dying
It's dying
People always tell me this is part of the plan
That God's got everybody in his hands
But I can only pray that God is listening
Is he listening?
We're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now I say
But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we say,say,say
We come into this world
And we all are the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But we're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now I say
The world is black
And hearts are cold
There's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back(We can't go back)
It won't be the same(It won't be the same)
Forever changed(What will ever change)
By the things we say,say,say
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing
It's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening

英语翻译The World Is BlackGood CharlotteTurn on channel seven at a quarter to eightYou see the same damn thingIt's just a different day andNo one really knows why this is happeningBut it's happeningAnd everywhere you go it's just a different plac
我们进入这一个世界而且我们全部是相同的在那片刻中没有一责备但是世界是黑色的而且心很寒冷而且没有希望那是我们所被告诉的而且我们不能回去资讯科技将不是相同的永远地改变藉着事物我们说, 说总是住在这一个地方资讯科技是这样没有一什么也不做因此没有东西改变而且当这一个世界仅仅保存垂死的时候,我不能居住资讯科技是垂死的人们总是告诉我这是计划的部份那个在他的手中被得到每个人的上帝但是我才能祈祷上帝正在听是他听?
我们住在这一个世界增加比较寒冷每天无现在能停留完美我说但是世界是黑色的而且心很寒冷而且没有希望那是我们所被告诉的而且我们不能回去资讯科技将不是相同的永远地改变藉着事物我们说,说, 说我们进入这一个世界而且我们全部是相同的而且在那片刻中没有一责备但是我们住在这一个世界增加比较寒冷每天无现在能停留完美我说世界是黑色的而且心很寒冷没有希望那是我们所被告诉的而且我们不能回去 (我们不能回去)资讯科技将不是相同的 ( 资讯科技将不是相同的)永远地改变 ( 什么曾经将会改变)藉着事物我们说,说, 说打开在四分之一的频道七到八你见到相同的一点事物资讯科技只是一个不同的日子而且没有人真的知道这为什么正在发生

Just One Last Dance最后一曲
Translated by Recco 译/王小瑞
Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance
??最后一曲 哦 亲爱的 最后一曲
??We meet in the night in the Spanish café


Just One Last Dance最后一曲
Translated by Recco 译/王小瑞
Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance
??最后一曲 哦 亲爱的 最后一曲
??We meet in the night in the Spanish café
??那个夜晚 我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇
??I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
??望着你的双眸 心有千言竟无语
??It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
??A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
??几个时辰过后 阳光便要升起
??tomorrow will come an it's time to realize
??our love has finished forever
??how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
??how I wish we make it through
??Just one last dance
??before we say goodbye
??when we sway and turn round and round and round
??it's like the first time
??Just one more chance
??hold me tight and keep me warm
??紧紧拥抱 充满爱意
??cause the night is getting cold
??and I don't know where I belong
??Just one last dance
??The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
??夜光美酒 琴声(吉它)响起
??I'll never forget how romantic they are
??浪漫之夜 永难忘记
??but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
??There's no way to come with you
??it's the only thing to do
??Just one last dance
??before we say goodbye
??when we sway and turn round and round and round
??it's like the first time
??Just one more chance
??hold me tight and keep me warm
??紧紧拥抱 充满爱意
??cause the night is getting cold
??and I don't know where I belong
??Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance
??最后一曲 最后一次 最后一曲


中文学得不好 我用广东话译的~~~
早上8点15分开电视 转到第7频道
睇住相同噶无聊节目 不同噶只系日期
无人知道点解会系咁样 但系事实就系咁样
无论你去到边 变噶只系风景
心一样系咁灰 周围都出现相同噶失落表情
无人会过问 点解会系咁
我哋唻到哩个世界 地位系平等噶
系降生果一瞬间我地都无罪 但系世界系黑暗噶


中文学得不好 我用广东话译的~~~
早上8点15分开电视 转到第7频道
睇住相同噶无聊节目 不同噶只系日期
无人知道点解会系咁样 但系事实就系咁样
无论你去到边 变噶只系风景
心一样系咁灰 周围都出现相同噶失落表情
无人会过问 点解会系咁
我哋唻到哩个世界 地位系平等噶
系降生果一瞬间我地都无罪 但系世界系黑暗噶
人心系冰冷噶 世界话比我哋知
我地无乜前途 因为太多恶毒噶言语
世界唔会再系公平噶 永远都唔会

生活系哩个地方 日日平淡无奇

我哋活系哩个世界里面 一日比一日冰冷
现在我敢讲无嘢系完美噶 而世界系黑暗噶
人心系冰冷噶 世界话比我哋知
我哋无乜前途 因为太多恶毒噶言语
世界唔会再系公平噶 永远都唔会

我哋唔可以翻去降生果一刹那 一切都已经太迟
因为我哋自己所讲噶嘢 世界已永远改变


世界是黑色夏洛特转好于7月7时45频道看到你妈一样 事情那只是不同没有人真正知道为什么每天发生,但这次的事情,到处 你走的只是一个不同的地方,你会看到同样的感觉一样黑暗没有人哭 真的,这是我们到这个世界上发生的一切都一样,我们在这一刻 有没有人指责,但世人心中感到寒冷、黑色、没有任何希望的是什么 我们不能回去告诉我们将永远不会改变的同一事物,我们说, 它说,住在这里的都是这样有没有人做所以没什么改...


世界是黑色夏洛特转好于7月7时45频道看到你妈一样 事情那只是不同没有人真正知道为什么每天发生,但这次的事情,到处 你走的只是一个不同的地方,你会看到同样的感觉一样黑暗没有人哭 真的,这是我们到这个世界上发生的一切都一样,我们在这一刻 有没有人指责,但世人心中感到寒冷、黑色、没有任何希望的是什么 我们不能回去告诉我们将永远不会改变的同一事物,我们说, 它说,住在这里的都是这样有没有人做所以没什么改变 我不能活在这个世界上,只一味死的死,这是一部分人总是告诉我的 图说上帝手中得到大家但我只能祈求上帝是听他听? 我们生活在这个世界上越来越寒冷,每天我现在什么都留下完美但天下黑 而心是冷所以不希望的是什么告诉我们,我们不能回去用不了次 同室永远改变了的说话,说飒 肽Y我们到这个世界上大家都是一样的,在那一刻也没有人基本法 表观代谢而我们生活在这个世界上越来越寒冷,每天我现在什么都留下完美世界基本法 ACK和冷心是没有任何希望的告诉我们什么,我们不能回去(不能回去) 用不了相同(用不了相同),永远改变了(什么都不会改变)的说话,飒 美意飒 肽Y亮起七个频道在7时45分,你会看到同样的家伙事那只是大不同 Y和完全没有人知道为什么这个事情结束
