be to blame,be to (1)John,rather than his roommates,is to blame.(2)I think mary,rather than Lucy,is to praise.问:这两句话不是被动语态吗?为什么会用be to do?类似于这种形式的短语有哪些?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:23:04

be to blame,be to (1)John,rather than his roommates,is to blame.(2)I think mary,rather than Lucy,is to praise.问:这两句话不是被动语态吗?为什么会用be to do?类似于这种形式的短语有哪些?
be to blame,be to
(1)John,rather than his roommates,is to blame.
(2)I think mary,rather than Lucy,is to praise.
问:这两句话不是被动语态吗?为什么会用be to do?类似于这种形式的短语有哪些?

be to blame,be to (1)John,rather than his roommates,is to blame.(2)I think mary,rather than Lucy,is to praise.问:这两句话不是被动语态吗?为什么会用be to do?类似于这种形式的短语有哪些?
【不定式】to blame,to let,to seek,to rent,to find用【做表语】时,通常用主动表被动意义.
例如:Who is to blame?该怪谁呢?
She was in no way to blame.决不应该责备她.
A better way is yet to seek..还得找一种更好的办法.
The taxi is to rent.汽车出租.
Much remains to find.有待探寻.
The house is to let.房子出让.

be to blame:这个词组本身是被指责的意思。所以不用被动语态。
John,rather than his roommates,is to blame. 约翰才是应该被责怪的人,而不是他的室友。
同理,be to praise也是一样的道理。意思是:应该被表扬。


be to blame:这个词组本身是被指责的意思。所以不用被动语态。
John,rather than his roommates,is to blame. 约翰才是应该被责怪的人,而不是他的室友。
同理,be to praise也是一样的道理。意思是:应该被表扬。
1、 Need, want, require(要求,需要), deserve(应得,值得), be worth值得),not bear(经不住) 后面接doing主动表被动。
The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。
The old building requires repairing. 这座古建筑需要修了。
These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after) carefully.这些幼苗将需要小心的照管。
Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut).你的头发该剪了。
I have much work to do. 我有许多要做的事情。(与work有动宾关系,与I有主谓关系)
Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom在找一间住的房间。(与room有动宾关系,与Tom 有主谓关系)
He has a family to support.他要维持一个家庭。(与family有动宾关系,与he有主谓关系)
3、不定式修饰作表语和宾语补足语的形容词时,结构:主语+系动词+形容词 + 不定式; 动词+宾语+形容词+不定式。如果形容词是表示难易、利弊等含义,
如 :difficult, easy, comfortable(舒适的), convenient(便利的,方便的), hard, cheap, expensive, 等,不定式用主动表被动。
The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。
The work is easy to do. 这项工作很好做。
I found the car comfortable to ride in. 我觉得这种车很好坐。
That makes poetry difficult to write. 那就使得诗很难写。
4、在be to结构中的一些不定式:这种结构中的不定式通常应用主动表被动。
Who is to blame for starting the fire? 这场火灾应由谁负责?
You are to blame for the accident. 你应为这事受动责备。
The house is to let.此房出租。
A lot remains to do.还剩下许多事情要做。
常见的有taste(吃起来), sound (听起来), prove(证明是), feel(摸上去感到), look(看起来),smell(闻起来)等,
例如:Your reason sounds reasonable. 你的理由听起来很合理。
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.;良药苦口。
6、一些与can''t(不能)或won''t(不会)连用的动词。常用的有: lock(锁住), shut(关上) , open(打开), act(上演), write(写),cut(砍,切),wear(穿,戴)等,用作不及物动词时,用主动表被动。例如:he door won''t open.这门打不开。 It can''t move.它不能动。
7、一些动词如sell(销售) , wash(洗), clean(打扫), burn(燃烧), cook(煮)等与副词如well(好), easily(容易地), perfectly(十分地)等连用 ,描会事物的特性,用主动表被动,结构是主语+动词+加副词。例如:
The book sells well.;这种书很畅销。; These clothes wash easily.;这些衣服很易洗。 The pen writes well. 这笔很好写。
8、主语much, a great deal, little, what等,其表语如是不定式,则用不定式的主动表被动。 What is to do? 做什么? Much is to do. 太多要做的事。
9、在“there be”句型中作主语的定语如果现在分词时,所用的现在分词要用主动表被动意义。
There is nothing doing these days. 这些天没事干。 I see there’s a good idea planning. 我知道又在打好主意。
