The book is written in so easy English that beginners can understand it well 哪错了,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:51:59

The book is written in so easy English that beginners can understand it well 哪错了,为什么
The book is written in so easy English that beginners can understand it well 哪错了,为什么

The book is written in so easy English that beginners can understand it well 哪错了,为什么
The book is written in so easy English that beginners can understand it well
The book is written in easy English so that beginners can understand it well
The book is written in English so easy that beginners can understand it well

so 应该改成such,因为 so 的句型是so +adj +a/an+c.n,除非adj是many,much ,few ,little,后面的名词才可能为不可数名词或复数名词,而such的句型是such+adj+(a/an)+n, n可以是任意的名词

The book is written in English so easy taht begainners can understand it well.