-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Not yet,but I will ___before I return from the training program.A.get it repair B.get it repaired C.get it to repairD.get it repairing

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:24:48

-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Not yet,but I will ___before I return from the training program.A.get it repair B.get it repaired C.get it to repairD.get it repairing
-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?
-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Not yet,but I will ___before I return from the training program.
A.get it repair B.get it repaired C.get it to repairD.get it repairing

-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Have you repaired the roof of your old house?-Not yet,but I will ___before I return from the training program.A.get it repair B.get it repaired C.get it to repairD.get it repairing
答案为B get/have sth done 让某人做某事/使某事被做

B,get sth done,一个结构


your computer doesn't work ,you'd better have it____.为什么可以直接接repaired而不用be repaired形式 Have you repaired your bike?No,i can't repair it .i'll_after school.填什么? Have you got your watch repaired? is that the radio which you want to have repaired.为什么不是have it repaired don't worry .l can help you( ) A.fix it up B.have it repair C.repairing it D.repaired when will you have your bike repaired?这里的repaired是被动吗? Don’t worry,your watch _________and you can have it in no time.选项:a、is repairedb、has been repairedc、was repairedd、 is being repaired 选哪个,请给出原因.Is this the watch you wish _______?A.to have it repaired B.to had it repaired C.to have repaired it D.to have repaired 1.Is this the bike which you wish to have _______?A.repaired it B.repairingC.repair D.repaired you should have to pay for it to be repaired.to be repaired做什么成分,有什么作用? 1.---What place is it?----Haven't you seen that we ____back where we _____.A.were,had been B.are,wereC.were,have been D.are,had been2.Could you show me the portable computer you want_____.A.to have it repaired B.to repair itC.to have repaired D.it re 超级难的1道题?my watch is always slow.then,why don't you have ____?A it to be repaired B to repair i C repaired it D it repaired会做的请帮讲解翻译下谢了 it's the third time that you have had it repaired,____a.hasn't youb.isn't youand why?上面写错了a.hasn't itb.isn't it A:have one repaired B:have it repaired C:have repair D:repair itwhich is the computer you want to()-tie one over there have you repaired your bike ,bob 教教题啦have you repaired your bike ,bob yes,i ( )it twrnty minutes ago 填什么,为什么 you'd better have it repaired是不是等于you'd better repair it Whom would you rather ( )the washing machine?A.have repaired B.have repairingC.have repaire D.have to repair -The computer doesn't work.-Really?I'll have it _tomorrowA.repairB.repairingC.repairedD.be repaired