If it ____ too much trouble,I'd like a cup of white coffee.A.hadn't been B.isn't C.were not D.wasn't该选哪项阿?为什麽阿?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:08:57

If it ____ too much trouble,I'd like a cup of white coffee.A.hadn't been B.isn't C.were not D.wasn't该选哪项阿?为什麽阿?
If it ____ too much trouble,I'd like a cup of white coffee.
A.hadn't been B.isn't C.were not D.wasn't

If it ____ too much trouble,I'd like a cup of white coffee.A.hadn't been B.isn't C.were not D.wasn't该选哪项阿?为什麽阿?
选C [如果不是很麻烦的话,我想喝杯加牛奶的咖啡.]

虚拟语气,表示对过去的假设,be 动词都要变成were


it rains ____ here. A.much too B.too much it will take me ____ time.(A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too) Jack made ______ mistakes in the exam,and it made Mr.Liu ____ angryA.too many;much too B.too many;too muchC.too much;much too D.too much ;too much it's ____ hot in august in nanjing A .many too B .much too C .very too D .to much the box is _____ smalls; we can't put ____ food in it.A.too much; much too B.much too; too muchC.much too; so manyD.too much; so many请问哪个是正确的,为什么?so many , I would go ,if I ____(not too much)home work. 1、He eats ____ junk food,so he is ____ fat.A.much too;too much B.much too;too manyC.too much;much too D.too much;too many2、There is little water in the bottle,____?A.isn't there B.is thereC.isn't it D.is it3、How long did you stay in the capital It would cost far ____ to have the thing repairedA.much too B.too much C.many too D.too many There is__snow outside.It's__cold.A.too much,much too B.much too,much too C.too much,too much It snowed( )yesterday and the weather got( )cold.A.too much;too much B.much too;much too C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 英语语法:too much+?much too+?突然忘了,Playing computer games ____ is ____ bad for your eyesight.A.too much;much too B.much too;much too C.too much;too much D.much too,too much I have ____ homework to do today ,I'm ______busy .A.too much;much tooB.much too;too muchC.too much;too much D.much too;much too There is____rain and it's____cool this summerA.much too;too much B.too much;much too C.too much;too muchD.much too;much too The food is___expensive,it can cost us___money to buy itA,too much;too much B,much too;much tooC,too much:much too D,much too:too much I didn't buy that dictionary because it ____.A.is too expensive B.was too expensive C.was much expensive D.was too much expensive 英语翻译it's not too much for you if i live my years for you If you put too much salt on our food,it tastes too_____(salt) In much of China,it is often too ____(hot) in srmmer.